Im not opposed to people earning enough money to pay their bills: - TopicsExpress


Im not opposed to people earning enough money to pay their bills: quite the contrary, every one of my political and social philosophies are derived from a wish to further individual liberty and prosperity. So, when I tell you that I think the minimum wage ought to be eliminated, its because of a benevolent motivation on my part. Okay, now that weve established that Im not some Republican wonk, lets get down to the basis of my opinion. the misconception that advocates of the minimum wage have is that a low-skill job like waiting tables ought to be valued higher than market level; even, no, especially at the cost of the business owners expense. My argument is simply this, if waiting tables is a valuable enough skill, business owners will pay for that service. On the other hand, if it is not, business owners will not. The presence of a minimum wage retards a young persons ability to learn a fundamental skill; that is, to be a good employee. Thats skill, is a building block for learning actual marketable skills so a person can get a job that will actually pay their bills. Instead of relying on the government to raise your wage, I suggest starting a union, working for a different company, or learning a new skill. Of course, I can already hear the objections to those suggestions; please spare me. I know the notion of personal responsibility is foreign to the majority of people, so those arguments dont impress me. Also, I appreciate that, my opinion is just a shitty pipe dream because removing the minimum wage without changing a number of other federal policies would have a devistating effect on our economy. However, the effect of raising the minimum wage is obvious too; as seen in the video below. So, Ill leve you with this rhetorical question. If a minimum wage is raised to $15/hr but theres no business owner willing to pay it, does it make an impact on poor families ability to pay their bills?
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 16:04:30 +0000

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