Im not racist in anyway. Australia has become very Multicultural - TopicsExpress


Im not racist in anyway. Australia has become very Multicultural over the past few years and is becoming much harder for the Australian Citizen to find employment or a rate of wages that will cover the daily cost of living and families. No matter of race or culture, we all contribute and have a very important place and role in this world of our skills to give in the working industry and what ever field of work we are involved in. We are all still Human Beings and should be respected for our individual cultures and rights in this world. At the same time, there needs to be a strong balance and fair opportunities for employment to everyone by employers with Australia being a multicultural Country. The Aussie Government constantly releases the unemployment figures and how those figures are in our country and WTF do they do about it?........SWEET F. A. Close Car Factories and one day cars will not be Australian made. We may still have those Kangaroos, Meat Pies, but now No Holden Cars......Ahhh! But we still have Fords Lol. Also Minerals,Oils and Fuel Plants and various other Major Manufactures and Companies by selling out to Foreign Companies.The middleman and even the battling small business owners, Farmers etc and families suffer and left to say What the hell did we work for? What do we have now?. Our Families, Children and Loved Ones that no one else can ever sell out or take away from us. Our Australian Government are to worried about our National debt and bleeding the hard working Aussie Tax payer dry by increasing the tax on goods and services etc to try and recover the Nations debt. The Australian citizen is the one who loses out while Government Officials just sit back on private luxury jets, sipping on world class champagnes, dinning beyond what most of us would never be able to afford in a life time and flying all over the world and wasting millions on crap that is so not needed. Yes! They have their positions and jobs to do in trying to make our Nation and Country much better to live, but put the Aussie citizen FIRST by LOOKING AFTER THEIR OWN NATION AND US AUSSIES? Unfortunately for us Aussies out here, the Government and their Leaders of our Country sit back tax free and dont have to worry about the constant struggle of everyday life either being unemployed or retrenched and making sure that their children are given a good education, fed, clothed and their families supported. For those of us who find it such a struggle day to day, whether living single or a couple who have children the Australian Government needs to Shake up and Wake up because this Country is slowly being suffocated of us, We the Aussie man and woman are the very back bone of this Country who do work together and lend our helping hands to our own. There has been many a broken promise to WE the Australia people from the Government and our Leaders of this Country. Isnt it about time you STOP just doing the talking and take action by backing up your promises by looking after every Australian Man,Woman,Child and Families and stop lining your hip pockets on the very bread that work so dam hard for to survive?. So just for interest on this very important topic what is your opinion whether your employed, retrenched or struggling to find a job or while in receivership of any form of Government Benefits? I know so dam well that no one can live without any extra income or employment these days. So really what compensation is there that the Government can offer or even give to that now unemployed man who has for the past many years worked so dam hard for a company and his livelihood and taking care of his family?. Its not just the company he worked for that was sold out. It was and will be the Security and Support that he was able to provide for his family and children.They were also sold out to the World Power and greed to overseas company/s. I also realize that there are other Nations that are so much worse off than we are here in Australia, but the same needs to apply very strongly even to out Mother Countries and their people. Each and every Nation, Country and world wide Governments need to look after their own Citizens/People FIRST!. I love my country I was born and raised in and will always stretch out my helping hand to my fellow country man in anyway that may need be. We have stood tall and have been right there beside others is times of natural disasters and lose. Its not the name AUSTRALIA that this country was given Hundreds of years ago. it is WE the Australian people, children and families who are the blood that made and still make this country a very proud country to live in and to raise our next generation to take this very pride with them for years to come. You are, I am. Were are all Australian So GOOD ON YA MATE............AUSTRALIAS the ONE and we stand together. :)
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 11:40:51 +0000

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