Im not really up to date on the Ice Bucket challenge thingy...but - TopicsExpress


Im not really up to date on the Ice Bucket challenge thingy...but I have seen several posts pointing out the waste in dumping a bucket of water on your head and I must say that i am incredibly embarrassed by the stupidity of the Fad and then Anti-Fad back and forth on the internet. If you think that dumping a bucket of water on your head is wasteful or privileged, then you should take a look at literally every aspect of our life in America. Laptops, facebook, cars, plastics, grocery stores, roadways, clothes, personal hygiene products, schooling, sports, tv shows... all of these things in our culture have developed so far beyond what most people are able to enjoy. They are this way due to the exploitation of other cultures and the planet. I am all for the preservation of resources, especially one as sacred as water. But the stupidity of pointing out the use of one bucket of water boggles my mind. If you take a shower daily then Where THE F do you get off judging others? Our culture is pretty much insane 100% of the time and posts like these leave me wondering what the hell people are thinking...
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 18:55:22 +0000

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