Im not saying that the show is perfect but I really enjoyed the - TopicsExpress


Im not saying that the show is perfect but I really enjoyed the whole show and had a great time theorising what could have been happening during its initial run. Lost was a show that took due to an increased level of speculation on the internet, it became a phenomenon as a result. I think a lot of people that watched it when it originally aired have more of an appreciation for the fun time they had with the show. P.S. re: Polar Bear? They did reveal that the polar bears were brought to the island for experimentation on acclimatisation. This happened during the years of the Dharma Iniative when they were using the island as a base for various research. Charlotte also found a collar for a polar bear in the desert, this revealed that at some point the polar bears were used to turn the wheel, beneath the Orchid station, to move the island. Horse? Kate happened to have an accident involving a horse which helped her escape, she attached a mental significance to the horse. The black smoke/man in black took the form of this creature after seeing it inside her mind. Red Button? I assume you mean the Swan station with the computer which needed the numbers entered every 108 minutes. The island had strange magnetic properties which the Dharma Initiative had been studying in the 70s. They at one point hit a pocket of unstable energy that causes a major malfunction during construction of the swan station, as a method of stopping the reaction they detonated the nuclear warhead. The resulting radiation that occurred was being contained by the swan station but the energy being stored had to be released every 108 minutes. Black Smoke? This one I dont have an answer for fully. Basically he was Jacobs brother that got transformed by the light of the island into the black smoke who couldnt leave the island but could seemingly take the form of dead people, read minds/see someones life in flashes, take the form of animals etc but all he really wanted was to leave the island and the whole show was essentially a battle between him and Jacob. Granted not everyone will agree with these answers, and a lot of them require a huge suspension of disbelief but the show did give answers to a lot of questions by showing rather than telling.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 20:16:46 +0000

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