Im not sure how much longer I can take this misery, tears, - TopicsExpress


Im not sure how much longer I can take this misery, tears, disgust, exhaustion, sleep deprived, falling apart, sick and diseased body, that no hospitals, or, (choke on the word, doctors), will even give me decent, morally, godly, decent care, much less, good healthcare. I have so many things going on, instead of them saying, I dont know, they immediately treat me like Im the biggest and worst kind of piece of shit,worthless and dont matter, A frequent flyer, a drug addict (that takes zero meds), but, since I am much more educated and knowledgeable, on my body, and my multiple ailments, symptoms, and all of my, more than, 2 dozen co- morbid, chronic and terminal, auto immune diseases. my WBC, is elevated, my Liver has more lesions, esophagitis, gastritis, gerd, chronic twisted torturous guts, type 1 brittle diabetes of which my blood glucose has been over 650 for weeks now, diabetic gastroparesis, extreme pain, nausea, and fatigue. Trapped biliary air pneumobilia, that expands my mid gastric, upper abdomen, and shoulders as if a balloon the size of me is stuck in my chest. lump needing diagnostic mammogram, lymph nodes needing biopsied, a hiatal hernia, and so many more issues. Im loosing my cool, and my mind, and my life. I am Praying a good physician will be brought into my life, and, ASAP. I know God is in control, and I know all things happen exactly as they are written, and when we fight whats natural, it becomes clear who we should turn to. God, yes, God. Im venting so I dont strangle the next piece of shit, stupid, unwilling, uneducated, rude, disrespectful doctor (choke cough puke), that word doctor is way too strong for the jerks I see!! intimidation and anger for patients who know their own body and illness, is only living the life of a chronically ill person. i am terribly sick, malnourished, weak, fatigued, puking, extreme pooping, crying in misery 247365 with no breaks. With guts that dont work, its difficult to breathe, chest pain, neuropathy, drunk vision, difficulty to walk, stand, sit, eat, drink, i cant drive, i have lost my fight to multiple diseases and ailments. I have chronic malabsorption and early satiety, extreme abdominal distention, steatorrhea, weight loss, vitamin deficiencies, kidney stones, no organs left that can be taken out, hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia symptoms and the danger every minute of going into a diabetic coma. The regular chance of not surviving my own body another day. 15 years ago, doctors at TMC wrote my imminent death, playing operation on my body and now after killing me, they dont even try to help me, they become pissed and angry because my first sentence to them, after they ask, what brings you in today, i have already made them not want to help me at all. I have tachycardia, extreme racing heart rate, and vitals a mess from my slowly debilitating dying starving body, that in time with doctors such as these bastards I will die at the hands of their negligence. Im at a loss, my life in this body is physically and mentally draining, and with no medical intervention, i have great healthcare coverage, am 100% disabled by the usgov. i cant work, even take great care of anything, have my service dog to simply have love thru this crap without an opinion, and just unconditional love for me. my vital organs will begin to fail. Im desperate to save my own life again, and be able to see my childrens new chapters in their lives. I dont know what to do anymore. Please, yall, Pray and ask God to help me today. I have physically no chance, if no medical professionals are willing to help me and continue to help me, even when they dont know, I never knew I would have to pay money out to asshole doctors who dont want to work, and are so shitty at what they do, Im starting to stop trying. Im paying them to abuse me and treat me inhumanly and leave me with zero dignity. What is wrong in our world when people would rather die than be here. WTF and if you are going to preach or tell me how I can Fix myself, then dont even bother please. after 14 years of this shit and taking crap because others dont know how to treat a person kind. or even care for another persons life or death on your hands, its complete and total bullshit that i have to beg, for even, bad to decent treatment, and to be told Im a drug seeker, and dont know what Im talking about. Im finished being nice, this is my childrens mommys life, and my unborn grand babys Nana. i have been nice, bit my tongue, not hurt others that hurt me, and my babies, what matters to me in this life, are God, mike, our babies and family. without the medical intervention i need, Im finished. I have much more spirit then anyone knows and my fight is just now warming up, becoming much more kick ass, so DONT STAND IN MY WAY......I WILL WIN THIS BATTLE, OF MY LIFE, if you get in my way, you will get knocked the fuq out. I dont give a shit who you are, Im trying to live here!!! SMFH and if you have a problem with me posting all this, then delete me, i dont care. Im not looking for pity, or your opinions, Im simply saying what I need, and, no pussy footing here, its my life, and I depend on it. so do my babies, I need a good hospital and good medical staff right this minute!!!! GOD, I NEED YOU, PLEASE HEAR MY PRAYER AND HELP ME LORD, PLEASE. XOXOXO
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 07:55:28 +0000

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