Im not sure many of you waste your time setting around doing the - TopicsExpress


Im not sure many of you waste your time setting around doing the deep thinking I do (insert laugh track here :) ) but Ive been wondering about a few things.... and no, I cant make it to a city commission meeting... Ill just post them here and we can all view the answer. What were the results of the sewer mapping/smoke testing and video taping that was done earlier this year? I havent heard or read of anyone mentioning any groundbreaking discoveries that were made. Did they finish the job? If not, why not? Did they do a thorough job and do every part of town? If so, what did they find and what are the plans to eliminate the problem areas. One reason I ask: Earlier this summer I was at work and noticed water boiling up out of the ground off on private property (not railroad property). I was stopped right by it and it caught my eye. It is on the rear of the big lot that used to be Breedlove automotive (21st and Corning) At first, I thought I had discovered a broken water main. I was stopped, so I got off and walked over to investigate to be sure. As I got closer I saw that the water was coming from out around a sewer manhole lid... the water pressure had lifted the lid up just enough that water was gushing out! Well, that was disturbing! As I took in the scene I noticed that the water was running out across the lot and heading north, whereupon it makes it way down the gutter and runs down Belmont and makes its way to the storm sewer. Well, it had rained two days before I noticed this. Water continued to flow out of the sewer and across the lot for days after I noticed it. It finally dwindles down and stops after about a week. One other thing about this particular manhole. When the sewer mapping was going on, I watched what they did. As a location was inspected and mapped, the workmen would paint the lid with green spray paint to identify it. This manhole was virgin.... no green paint... so I guess this particular location never got discovered nor checked. Thats sloppy work. It was after business hours when I found this, so I called someone else and told them they should come look at this and see what I am seeing. They did, and they called and got it turned in. The next day when I came to work, I could see where a truck had drove off the blacktop out in the grass to the manhole. They left an orange cone to mark the spot, and sprayed the manhole lid green. Well, it rained the other day. Sure enough... as I roll past that area on the train.. the area is wet and there is water boiling out of the sewer and running down Belmont to 21st street.... So, what did they discover and what needs to be done to repair the areas with the problem inflow?
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 15:58:49 +0000

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