Im not the kind of girl to normally pour her heart out on - TopicsExpress


Im not the kind of girl to normally pour her heart out on Facebook. Today is an un-special day in my life that I cant help shouting my feelings to the world. My sister Lisa Marie Gaskin was brutally beaten to death on this day 14 years ago. She had just turned 17. Had her whole life to look forward to but some monster took that away. She was crazy, beautiful, loud, spontaneous and not scared of anything. She made an impression on every person she met.... some good some bad. Everyone who met Lisa, would always remember her. She was everything to me. I spent my whole life looking up to her. I feel guilty taking her for granted. Somehow I assumed she would always be there for me. I came into this world and she was sitting right there ready when I arrived to stand by my side. She was always there until one day she wasnt. I dont care how many years pass, it feels like yesterday I lost her. Ill never move on and Ill never be the same. Ill never have that trust and loyalty as I had with my big sister! My kids will never know what an amazing aunt she would of been. Ill never have my own mother back either cause the day that man murdered my sister he basically took my mom to. I dont even know who the man is that murdered my sister! The man that made my mother utterly miserable everyday since. The man that took my best friend. The man who ruined, who I could of been in my life with Lisa by my side is still unknown. This stranger, this monster, this murderer ..... is still out there. Why? How can my family even move on knowing that murderer is still living his life after ruining all of ours? Lisa I love you! You was everything to me and you are as much a part of my life now as you were when u was alive.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 21:59:02 +0000

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