Im not there really Im here at Billys The concluding episode - TopicsExpress


Im not there really Im here at Billys The concluding episode mustnt miss. My journey so far with hiccups just a few. Transship ping to the Ocean Princess but not where I thought. Started from the Pacific Princess 10th March. Was flying from Bora Bora to Papeete (French Polynesia ) two days of leisure but someone forgot the dateline lose a day so would have missed the ship in Aukland NZ. Arrangements quickly changed when we docked. Bora bora is a tender boat so took the tender ashore to be pointed to a ferry taking me and my luggage two cases, one heavy carry on and a handbag stuffed full to the airport on an islet. Asked at the check in for a window seat only to be told they are all windows seats madam. 17 passengers pilot showed us on the plane then squashed his sx foot three body into his seat next to the co pilot. It was a miracle . Flight 40minutes. Landed 2.45 pm Next flight in nine hours oops long wait but wasnt bothered have a lounge card oops again airport check in is at 8 pm cant get into the lounge as its inside. Sat outside until check in opened not a minute early. Sat with the mosquitoes ... Look out .. Flight time to Los Angeles 8 hours. Lucky two seats to myself. That was the only bit of luck all day. Landed LA took a shuttle to an airport hotel prearranged baggage in tow . Arrived checked in had a sleep Back to the airport next on the shuttle once more with bags. And longer arms. 8.30pm checked in went to the lounge thank you priority card its worth the money. Next flight back to NZ AUCKLAND 13 hour flight another stroke of luck I forgot three seats that changed into a couch so could lie down . Slept for eight hours straight I wonder why?! Breakfast on board landed NZ . Next flight Taranga . Oops again .Why no ship in the harbour as I fly over oops no ship problems so diverted to Sydney . One hour later Im on my way back (with luggage ) to Auckland thirty minutes this time bigger plane landed then one hour later next flight Sydney . No not yet at the end of my journey. Landed only to find no agent to meet me .After two phone calls being accused of having the title CREW ( loved that) I was told to get a shuttle to the hotel where I would take up residence until 17th It was a five star hotel in the middle of a building site where improvements were being made. My window had the best view of the mess anyone could have hoped for. Ok if your transiting lousy if you have to stay awhile. I went to dinner but was directed to the trough buffet paid extra got a nice meal. Feeling rotten disappointed and sad water extra eight dollars . That really got my back up. Slept ok nice bed but help no wi- fi in the room unless you pay 28 dollars for 24 hours. At that point I contemplated slitting my wrists butian would have been sad couldnt do that to my darling imagine all the fuss getting my poor tired frustrated unhappy starving body home. Was going to phone Billy and Ann to meet up but decided to ask if I could stay with them. I didnt have to beg or sleep on the floor I have a lovely en suite bedroom and they even picked me up from the hotel after working from 4am until4pm on the market stall that they have. They have a beautiful home well deserved and most of the family called in so as I was telling my tale of woe three times in all we had a great laugh. Just made my toast as Im here on my own seeing as they were out of bed at 4am again today. I think Im going to have a cuppa Ive had all instructions needed to survive the day their so kind and helpfull. Billy after much thought got the wifi on so all is well with me and the world once more. UNTIL TOMORROW . Im feeling great after charging up all my bits I phone I pad and kindle all of which were dead as dodos wrong plug wrong lead every time I changed countries . PS .I AM INVINCIBLE . HOME IN A WEEK 25th yippee xxxxxxxx hugs to all xxxxxx
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 00:33:19 +0000

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