Im not typically one to do this and before I do...Ill make it - TopicsExpress


Im not typically one to do this and before I do...Ill make it clear that I am a registered Democrat who voted for the President twice and am glad I did. I dont always agree with our President but I believe him to be an American Patriot, like all of our Presidents, and I believe he wants do to the best he can for the country he loves, as all of our past Commander and Chiefs. Weve lost a civilized discourse and I fully and wholeheartedly blame the 24 hour news media and Citizens United for that despite believing that most Americans are able to see through the money making entertainment that makes 24 hour news media watchable and despite billions being spent in the last election, nothing changed in the political landscape. The article below has been posted and re posted by several individuals that happen to show up on my facebook feed and after reading the piece, I had to respond. The reason that our system of government is envied by those around the world is because it demonstrates that regardless of our disagreements, we have a peaceful transition of power from party to party ushered by the votes of every citizen that chooses to avail themselves of that right and responsibility. There are no violent overthrows, no wars, no military take overs. President Obama was reelected to office by a majority of citizens of the United States who chose to vote. You dont have to agree with him and its important not to, but you do have to respect the office. The fact that anyone would applaud the blatant disrespecting of the office of the President is reflective of the sad state of politics weve reached as a nation. Rep. Stockmans argument is that the President does not respect the constitution and has blatantly disregarded it as President. He argues that because the President is willing to use executive orders to do what he can despite congress inaction, he is deserving of impeachment. The executive order is not specifically addressed in the constitution. Every president has issued them under the executive powers section of the constitution. Every EO is subject to judicial review and has to be based in constitutional law. President Obama has signed 167 EOs in his 5 years in office. President W. Bush signed 291, Clinton signed 364, Papa Bush 166, and the cherished President Reagan signed 381 EOs. All are a fraction of the 3500 plus that President FDR signed during his term of office. The point....this President isnt doing anything that every other President has done more frequently in their respective terms. ( Rep. Stockmans blatant disrespect for the outcomes of our constitutional system of government and those that applaud him sadden and scare me. Its this kind of unnecessary fanfare that stands in the way of true and honest debate. Disagree with the opposition, fervently if necessary, but do it with the dignity and class worthy of being an elected official of the most envied system of government on earth.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 05:26:08 +0000

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