Im not very smart but I venture to touch upon a particular subject - TopicsExpress


Im not very smart but I venture to touch upon a particular subject that I hold dear, an area of extremity I have pondered over lately. At the end of the day; after eating supper, routinely taking a hot shower, reading kids a bed time sorry, kissing the spouse goodnight, or following an episode of Sins of Anarchy, --after slipping into bed and after closing our eyes; is there a moment of reflection? Just before our minds drift off into the seemingly mysterious state of subconsciousness, one must wonder about all that we experience, the blessings bestowed to us each day, and the never ending state of abundance that we bathe in. Our comforts are so freely available. The luxuries of this life strikes us as such a convenience. I ask anyone today: Are we beating the drums to our own demise, engaging in habitual spiritual suicide? Everything that we acknowledge, possess, desire, cherish, and are gifted with does not come from the self. Man doesnt even deserve to be born. Genesis 6:7 And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. We exist in an Aeon where the spirt of pride has crept in unaware, corrupting the minds and hearts of man. Many times we think that our blessings come from our own doing or from are own abilities. Ive heard phrases such as self made and personal success used many times. If theres one thing Ive learned over the past year, it is that the >gods< of this world are not responsible for our blessings. Concerts and movie theaters may make us happy for a moment. Our bank accounts and retirement plans may bring temporary easiness or a sense of security, but theres a specific reason why we are even able to labor. Theres a reason why we are able to think, write, talk, feel, and experience. Only by the grace of God are we even able to breath. Who do we praise on the weekends? {the gods of sports in the land of Egypt or the God of Israel?} Do we worship King James or are we reading the King James? We live in a matrix, an imprisonment, a rendition of the punishment of our fallen nature. We are destined for hell at birth due to original sin, and it doesnt take a psychologist to realize that our natural thoughts are evil. As our flesh wars against our spirit daily, we seemed to be caught in a never ending WAR! The war being waged inside of our mind is most certainly a spiritual phenomena that everyone has to deal with. If we could only see the demons of death surrounding us each day, would we be able to realize the seriousness of what is going on? My friends... We are descending into a time unlike never before. While we take tomorrow for granted, we have yet to understand today.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 04:14:24 +0000

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