Im not your leader. Im going to say something that is not going - TopicsExpress


Im not your leader. Im going to say something that is not going to create any fans or new friends probably, and Im sure Ill get unfriended a lot for this...but it has to be said. I have an amazing family and am proud to be married to the woman I am married to. We are incredible parents together and are raising awesome little humans that we are so insanely proud of. BUT...I have always steered away from being so out about my life because WE do not want to represent the gay community. We do NOT believe the gay community represents ANY part of our life, quite the opposite actually, and because of THEM, we choose to live more private lives. Seeing some man dressed up in a little pink bikini dancing around in a gay pride parade makes me sick. He certainly does NOT represent me, or my life or family! My wife and I are extremely conservative people, and we live extremely conservative lives. The most we ever do is go out for girls night and share some wine every now and then. She wakes up at 5:45am to make a hot breakfast EVERY SINGLE morning for the kids and we see them off to school-every single day. We all sit down and do homework together as a family every afternoon, have dinner together, every evening, and spend most of our days just being a family. WHEN THIS is represented in the gay community, perhaps well get involved. As long as its some representation of some wild, dancing, provocative lifestyle, we say no thank you. ADDRESSING THE STEREOTYPES: We dont hate men lol We LOVE them actually. My wife was married to her ex husband for 10 years. Ive had some wonderful men in my life that I wouldnt want to be without. I dont love Obama because Im married to a woman. I dont have questionable morals because Im married to a woman. I dont cheat on my wife because shes a woman. Our marriage isnt less of a commitment because were two women! Im not a Democrat because Im married to a woman. If Republicans would stop trying to make social issues a political platform, we would be card carrying members of that party in fact! In the meantime, we are Independent and vote using our moral compass. Every single time we post something online some radical group comes out and asks us to allow them to use us to further their cause. The answer is and will always be NO CHANCE IN HELL!!!! When you represent my life, my God, and my family...Ill consider it. In the meantime, stick to the panty wearing men in pink thongs to do your dirty work for you! ADDRESSING THE GAY PRIDE PARADES My life is 100 steps forward for equal rights...and your stupid little parades are 10,000 steps backwards. THANK YOU for making it all that much more difficult!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 21:24:11 +0000

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