Im noticing this floating around again and Ive got to say - TopicsExpress


Im noticing this floating around again and Ive got to say something because once again, I saw it, saw some comments, and thought that my refusal to speak out about it would somehow deter it spreading. I shared it to reference what Im talking about and because anyone who reads my rant has a right to see the cause. So here I go again: 1. This isnt funny. Its meant to be funny and Im sure a bunch of things included can be shaded in a humorous way, but ultimately: its just not funny. Its humiliating and kind of disgusting that people are still passing this around like an oldie but a goodie. 2. Fellow coaches: youre supposed to be a role model for safety, for support, for trust, for building a relationship with people who are navigating often painful times in their lives that have a lot to do with self-image, weight, health, and self-development or exploration. What would someone IN this video, who maybe saw it posted on your wall and saw that you think its downright hilarious, think about reaching out to you as a coach? I hope, if that time comes, the person who saw themselves mocked on your wall have a really thick skin and a great propensity to forgive. 3. Walk a damn mile. I am sure that we each have our own standards for dress and conducting oneself in public, but whens the last time you tried to find a 3x, 4x, 5x+ shirt that fit appropriately and that made you feel even a little bit good about yourself? Enough to WANT to go to the store? Have you never struggled to find clothing to fit your specific body type and shape, before? Sure, not everyone in this video has a size challenge, but people who are clearly dressed rather differently than what we would hold ourselves accountable for have motivations that drive their behavior. You have no idea what those motivations are and to continue to assume you do, is asinine. Three tends to be my number, so I think that sums it up pretty well. Dont go trashing the source that I took the video from or attacking each other about it. If you find yourself ashamed that you once thought it was hilarious and now second guess that humor, then good. Its never too late to end the trend of tasteless humor. Stop viewing one another as the other person -- the second you strip them of the ability to identify and relate to you, personally, you make them subject to objectivity. Didnt Hitler use that same tactic to murder 11 MILLION people during the Holocaust? Awareness. Use it.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 23:42:18 +0000

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