Im now 38 years of age,Single and been working in different - TopicsExpress


Im now 38 years of age,Single and been working in different domains of different Private sectors (Indian & Multinational) for livelihood and giving 100% dedication towards my Only Goal of Life, No one is poor by heart every one on this earth has potential to give and contribute something which is necessary to other either directly or indirectly. Although my first experience was in my teens, teaching few children who are financially week and unable to bear the cost of extra fee for tut ions. Working in night shift and utilizing few hours in day and complete weekend to literate few of children, where Im approachable to them, gave me lots of heavenly joy and felt complete sense of life in fulfilling few dreams of Children as well of their parents. Thought there was no support from family nor friends i learned to grow independently and lived for almost 20+ years away from home by earning and spending few cents to educate and even promote the knowledge of Giving what I have and sharing what they have, I always was keen of my thoughts and thought of volunteering when i remember the hard and unaccomplished days of my childhood. After completing my graduation and helping my father in his vegetable selling business (Selling Vegetables on Footpath), Sorry, about my childhood, i request you to pardon me that i will not be able to share my hard and lost moments (would like to bring it on as a Autobiography when time permits, so would like to share very few minutes in explaining my experience which in turn will help me to raise fund for my Volunteering program (For the first time in Africa) . I joined Vanguard Info Solution In Bangalore, as a telecaller ~ few years before, which is 370kms form my hometown to fulfill my dads dream (his intention to help my 2 younger sisters in their studies) , selling Internet package of Earth Link & Peopl PC (dialup connection). In retrospect, this decision was one of, if not the, most meaningful I have ever made. The universal nature of loss and grief, which, I learned, was a central theme in most of the calls, meant that everyone had their own experience from which to learn, and working in this environment often left me profoundly moved and in awe of the resilience of the human spirit. Since that time I have linked up with several programs where volunteers provide service and support to local community (While working with Converygys India Services and Accenture India Services too). These include Volunteering directly or indirecty to Orphans, Old age home, Visiting remote hospitals & sick people, etc. This work, with its constant reminders of the fragility and finiteness of life, enables me to feel very alive and to be thankful for every day. My life is enriched by the knowledge that I am contributing usefully to my community, that I continue to learn and that others are benefiting in some way from my efforts. But who gains the most? I don’t know for sure – but I have a sneaking suspicion that it is me!! . Now with whole heart would love to involve in international programs to learn more & more and gain more and more so that i can GIVE THIS WORLD MORE & MORE While working in Bangalore with Accenture India Services, i stay nearby to Oxford Public School, I saw a ad stating that they need primary and higher primary school teachers who can teach English and Social Science. I directly went to the principle and informed him that I was involved in teaching few subjects fee of cost while I had enough of time and now would like to volunteer and teach it in school. He was very happy that not only he but whole school staff as well as students liked and loved my teaching. The passion of teaching grew and I felt that I could do more, but as I have to move back as my father was sick i decided to give up my job with Accenture and returned back to my Home town. Now as my father is fine and i would love to continue my journey of Charity and dedicate my life in serving children from different countries would love to join GVN and contribute my life in serving children who are in need ,i,e especially about Lite rating poor its the only tool which i have learned from my past experience In life (Family) and analyzing surrounding (Society). Though people have billions of cash the only tool what i think is knowledge which can help this World A Peaceful & Harmonious. So life is a music and Im just a tune in it,,,,,Help me in completing it with a good note.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 08:03:51 +0000

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