Im now a few days away from this enough that I am finding the - TopicsExpress


Im now a few days away from this enough that I am finding the humor more than the rage... What an idiot. Two sidewalk squares got re-poured directly in front of my front office door. We had to use the side entrance for the day. I was thrilled to get it replaced as the previous was terribly cracked and spalling, etc. I also have an unnaturally large aversion to, and hatred of, salespeople going door to door showing up un-announced trying to peddle things. I really should see a therapist about it because I get very angry. Enough so that I actually have these exact words on my front door right below our business name: Absolutely no soliciting So all day I was watching them work prepping, pouring, and finishing the concrete, and was thrilled with how nice it looked once they got the crack lines in, etc. It was perfect... They cleaned up and left it with a BRIGHT ORANGE CONE blocking the path of one side of the two squares and a FOUR FOOT 2X4 angled against the building blocking the other side. The concrete was still a dark grey/green color not remotely similar to the light grey of the surrounding old concrete, plus you literally had to step over or around the cone or 2x4 to get to my front door. It was about 4 pm and I was thrilled that in the morning everything was going to be all pristine and ready to roll and look great. Imagine my surprise when I hear my front door open around 4:30... I hear a faint hello? and come out of my office to find a nicely dressed guy with a brochure in his hand ask me about my copier needs. I was so stunned I was speechless for a minute - then said Did you just walk through that concrete? He replies What concrete?, peers out the door and gives me a (I think heartfelt) what are you talking about? look. I about stroked out right then and there... I look down and hes left two grey footprints on my carpet where he stepped in... He then launches into his I can help you out with your copier and anything else you need spiel... I am still so stunned I stammer something about not having or needing a copier or anything else ... My heart starts racing as I think of how incredibly unbelievably asinine this situation is I am standing in, and I start trying not to blow ... I start with Was that concrete hard enough to walk on? He replies innocently Yeah, I guess so ... Me: (While were both staring out the door at the wet concrete) Didnt you see that BRIGHT ORANGE CONE? Him: Hmmm... Me: Did you see that FOUR FOOT 2X4 leaning against the building right here by the door? Him: I guess not ... Me: Then I assume you also didnt read the lettering right here on the door. Since its backward (were on the inside) Ill read it to you. It says ABSOLUTELY NO SOLICITING. Him: [pregnant pause] [uncomfortable shifting of stance side to side a few times] [more pregnant pause] Me: [shaking and getting red] What you are doing standing here after walking through wet concrete to come in and cold call me is so unbelievably stupid, Im not sure what to say at this point. Him: Im leaving. Me: DONT step onto that concrete again and make sure you jump over that 2x4 I was so dumbfounded after he left I just literally had to start laughing at how seismically dumb what he did was. I came in the next morning to see the aftermath and sure enough, there are 3-4 light footprints, and disturbed (i.e. not brushed) spots leading right up to my door.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 18:14:08 +0000

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