Im now on to the final phase of my trip. For me it can be summed - TopicsExpress


Im now on to the final phase of my trip. For me it can be summed up in one word. Its not a reference to a fictitious industrial smoothing company nor its owner. It also doesnt involve Edward Scissorhands demented twin. The one word is Kruger. When I envision Africa the first thing that comes to my mind is animals. Having visited some of East and Southern Africa already South Africa was the next logical destination. Kruger National Park is one of the jewels in the crown of African parks. Its also one of the largest as well. To put it in perspective its similar in size to Wales or the state of New Jersey. Beyond the parks unfenced borders its surrounded by additional private reserves. Clearly this is a massive area and its loaded with animals. The Big Five is the highlight for most people. It consists of leopard, lion, Cape buffalo, rhino, and elephant. Ive been fortunate to see them all before so there isnt really any goal to this visit. Simply spending 10 days in such an amazing place is the reward. Ill be camping in my tent most of the nights as I have been since leaving Cape Town. Fear not though, all the rest camps are fenced in to keep most of the critters out. Im just hoping to see some extra special sights. Rare African wild dogs would be nice. Driving around Kruger on my own, staying and going where and when I decide, will be a dream come true. It wont be in a Land Rover but in a tiny Ford hatchback. Nevertheless its going to be fantastic. Believe this will be the most consecutive days Ive ever spent in any national park. That seems fitting. Hope youre all ready for A LOT of animal photos. Research tells me theres only one rest camp with internet and its not on my itinerary though it may be visited. Therefore I may be incommunicado for the entire time. Will be out of the park and back online by the 19th at the latest. I may schedule a post or two while there though.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 11:07:53 +0000

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