Im often asked to explain the effects of a Mercury Retrograde. - TopicsExpress


Im often asked to explain the effects of a Mercury Retrograde. Firstly, Im not an astrologer. Psychics & astrology can become mixed up, many psychics do go on to study astrology & become astrologers etc. My interest in astrology goes back to my teenage years whereby I was fascinated with the moon. It never fails to amaze me how this glowing ball in the night skies affects our tides, gravitational pull & our moods. Ask any nurse or doctor- full moon shift in an A&E department is a sight to behold. I remember feeling this vastness of everything. Knowing that beyond the moon was the solar system & beyond that solar systems were other solar systems. For a while I delved into the star system & found it very logical to accept we are not alone in this universe. If this star system can support life on one planet, then why not others? Again the P word is used...Proof. One of my strongest sentients is Clairsentience, which means Clear feeling. Another common word for mediums is Sensitives as we feel so much. So when the likes of a planetary movement occurs we may not be astrologers but we know something isnt right. We believe there is a greater pull or shift occurring cosmically. We tend to feel off. The planet Mercury goes retrograde about 3 times a year. The dates of this year Mercury retrogrades are: Jan 21-Feb 11 May 19-June 11 Sept 17-Oct 09 Mercury was the messenger of the gods & he governs over all communication. It always makes me smile when I see him on the interflora logo, as he is the symbol for speed & efficiency. Hence why, when a planet enters retrograde its shadow characteristics come to the surface. Miscommunication , crossed wires , inefficiency & chaos arrive in tow! Last Octobers M.R was rough. Hence why the collective intake of breath as this one rolls into town. This is the last retrograde of the year of the horse as the Chinese New Year of the Gentle ram begins mid feb. So you could say, this is the final purge. You could be full of the best intentions , joined the gym, put the latest weight loss series on series link good luck with that! Unless you manifested this in your aspirations before Christmas you will feel the month of January & your willpower sliding through your hands like the sands of an hourglass ( except that of an impossibly speedy hourglass)! Blink & poof!! This month vanishes in a cloud of dust. January is a shitty month. Its dark, depressing & after the physical / financial excesses of Christmas/ Yule our energies are depleted. So there you are browsing through your newsfeed & you see my post on retrograde...arent you just the little ray of sunshine on my cornflakes this morning you grimace to Yourself!!! Well, heres the good part! You are not alone. Retrograde is a fab time to plan. Instead of weight loss shows Im recording travel shows. Im addicted to them at the moment! Your mission in 2015 is to find your joy. Youd be amazed how many people feel its a luxury. I feel its a basic right. Have you noticed that when youre in a good mood & feel relaxed that the regular things that may annoy you dont? You simply go with the flow. Plans change last minute...ah heck sure we will try this instead.. Its only when we add resistance or attachment -suffering is created. So when we expect something to be a disaster...what do you think will happen! My advice to you for this retrograde is revision. Look over past mistakes. Where you too trusting? Did you assume thats what they meant? Did you ignore the warning signs? Dont be brutal, simply look at these lessons & take them on board. As you encounter, delays/ obstructions. Step back -is there a way around this? Look at alternative options. Try not to be so fixed in your views. Retrograde can reveal some surprising insights into your own shadow side & indeed physical energy. You are more aware of the energy vampires when your energy is low as youve little to go around. There may be some co-dependant patterns you may need to address in your relationship with family/ friends etc. Slow down. Breathe. Stop being so tough on yourself. Its time to nourish your body & soul. The daffodils of spring are poised to breakthrough the surface soon, with their beautiful green shoots signalling the end of Winter. They are soaking up nourishment & strength for the spring. Isnt it time you took a leaf out of their book & follow suit??? Revise - Replenish - Rest Now where did I put that travel brochure.....! ©Fiona Faery
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 01:18:56 +0000

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