Im on an Ian Duncan Smith rant today folks. He said yesterday that - TopicsExpress


Im on an Ian Duncan Smith rant today folks. He said yesterday that it was wrong for a cross party group of MPs to suggest that the rise of food banks was purely to do with benefit related problems. He said in an interview with BBC Sunday politics that Germany had more generous benefits and higher pay...yet more people there use food banks. He said that 1.5 million people a week use food banks in Germany. UKs largest food bank provider the Trussell Trust has said it fed 913,138 people during the 2013-2014 financial year. It is a tiny proportion here compared with Germany which has more generous benefits and a higher level of pay. So just saying it is to do with benefits is quite wrong. What I do is say that there are lots of other reasons people go to food banks. Well......IDS is clearly an uneducated idiot or deliberately misleading MPs..... Within the blog by the London school of Economics from 2013.. A year and a half ago .. The author Stefan Selke does say Germany feeds 1.5 million people via food banks , but does not stipulate if this is weekly or is IDS already misrepresenting data? Deliberately if you ask me. Now look at this paragraph from the LSE blog article: “The main growth of foodbanks in Germany began 2005, when Chancellor Gerhard Schröder’s government introduced the ‘Agenda 2010′ of tax cuts, and cuts to pension and unemployment benefits. Around the same time, a new form of unemployment insurance (‘Hartz IV’) was introduced, reducing previous benefit levels and the duration for which they can be received. Sounds like the same reasons food banks are being used in the UK......benefit issues....caused by IDS and his hair brained schemes. Work Capability Assessments, PIP etc. In both countries benefit conditions have become stricter and new schemes are being introduced that reduce entitlement further and decrease amounts available. Most interesting is that the BBC here at Sunday politics have not bothered to do their research. Less than 5 minutes on a search engine to gain this info. Yet again we are let down by the government propaganda media machine not doing their job for us whom they expect to pay a licence fee. Yeah right!!! Personally these figures from the Trussell trust are just that...... Figures. The picture is far bleaker with several independent food banks not being included in these stats. The fact is that one family HAVING to visit a food bank is too many. Simple as that. Ian Duncan Smith......I am coming for you fact Scotland has you in their sights...
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 19:48:45 +0000

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