Im on an emotional roller coaster. Both good and bad. Its been so - TopicsExpress


Im on an emotional roller coaster. Both good and bad. Its been so nice having this time with my family. Going to moms grave.andI cant begin to explain the heartfelt sentiments of how very special it feels in so many ways. My grandparents mean the world to one could compare. And time with my daddy, He is truly my best friend. He is the person I aim to be like.never judges, listens, humble, guiding, if anyone could be more like Jesus, its him. And my grandma, moms mom, shes adding fast and she is so special to me. Beauty through and through. My dads mom, she like the energize bunny and so intelligent and good hearted and loving. Now if I could just have my sister, Tracy Martin , niece, and my children here it would be perfect. However, theres no way I can go back home and feel good about it. Well, there is just no way least not right now. I had no idea how very crucial I was needed here. Just as I was getting healthy and bouncing back, my life just stopped me dead in my tracks. But my grandmother and my aunt need me More than anyone could fathom. Its serious. There is not one single other person who could do what its going to take and I cant say myself whether I got what it takes hto handle it. But its that Im have no choice. I miss home with Michael D. Merk. I Ill see over the next couple days but if o go back and something happens to anyone in my family, Id never live with myself. Please say a prayer for my family and for myself. I need it bad. Going to church in the morning and I have had no sleep long time so as I shed a few tears for my heart is heavy on my sleeve, time flies,. I havent even talked to my son. Im going to h have to go home for a few days but I am going be uneasy even doin that.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 06:57:09 +0000

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