Im on my way to bed... But allow me to say this... As we - TopicsExpress


Im on my way to bed... But allow me to say this... As we continue to live in a unjust Society of Racial profiling, white and Jewish supremacy, narcissist who feel Blacks and minorities are inferior to them.... We must remember not to forget our past or we will be doomed to repeat it all over again... The fact that it took so long for this particular policemen to finally speak out and be exonerated per the States efforts to indict only supports the secrets and inner vehicle that is true corruption at its finest. The Grand Jury may not bring charges against officer Wilson, who may have already been in front of this same Grand jury before, will not be and should not come as a surprise. God we come before You asking that You take command of this case and take control of what we know as the Judicial System as it continues to fail Us in the hands of the Caucasian influence who seems to care not about Blacks nor minorities. If this Society had a issue with Blacks cops killing young or old white men I feel that it would gain alot of momentum and some changes would hapoen simultaneously. If nothing is done about Young Men being killed by police officers will merely give the next Cop the right in His or her mind to kill another Blackman or white man or any other ethnic background. Their must be some consequence retribution must be given to these victims the race card is definitely an issue whether we like to believe it or not...
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 05:41:10 +0000

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