Im pitching an idea to Qfm for a new radio show in light of recent - TopicsExpress


Im pitching an idea to Qfm for a new radio show in light of recent events. I want call it Up all night with Chris Dawes... but seriously, some of you have been asking about Julia, so here is a very long post giving you the timeline thus far; She got a bad case of what seemed to be the stomach flu a week ago. This one caused excessive vomiting. We took her in Saturday to urgent care. They said to keep her hydrated. Emily thought she was drinking, but apparently she wasnt. Emily left Saturday evening for AZ. That night was filled with more of the same. Sunday afternoon, she seemed to rally a bit. But, by midnight Sunday night, she was in severe pain. I took her to the ER by 12:30. by 1:00 we were in a room and they were attempting to get an IV. Her electrolyte balance was so bad that her hands began to cramp into strange shapes and I comforted her the best I could and pulled her hands and arms out of the painful cramped contortions they were stuck in, as the three different nurses tried desperately to get an IV in. FORTY minutes later, they got in and started her on three meds and hydration fluids. She stayed awake the whole time until we left at 5:45am. I slept for an hour and then got the other kids up for school. I got her prescription filled with Josiah in the car with me and dropped him off at Grandma and Grandpas (thank God for them...they were life savers during this awful time) and Julia slept there as well off an on throughout the day. I had to do a funeral in Fargo. I didnt return until 5pm to pick up my kids. I got everybody home and got everyone fed. The pain came back with vomiting at about 8:30pm. We went to the ER again, and they sent us home as she stablized. She slept well through the rest of the night, and I woke her to drink water at 8am after getting the kids off to school. I only woke her one more time to hydrate, but let her sleep. She woke up on her own at 3:30pm feeling pretty good. The rest of the day went pretty well, and the pain meds taken at 7pm worked really well. Everyone was finally asleep by 10pm. I was wired and exhausted at the same time, so i finally fell asleep at 11:30pm. Julia woke me up at midnight with stomach pain. Since her next pain med was not to be given til 3am, I was on the phone with the ER nurse and she conferred with the doctor who said I should try to wait until 3 to give it to her. But by 1:30 she was in pain and starting to feel like vomiting again. So, I gave her half (2mgs), and when that didnt work, I just gave her the rest. The pain subsided immediately and she was able to get to sleep. This morning after getting Jonathan off to orchestra at 7:30 and Jocey to school by 8, I put her back to sleep after a coupe bites of a banana muffin and some water. Praying she is able to rest well all morning and her digestive system comes fully back online so she can eat more and regain all her strength. So, all that to say, we are still not out of the woods, but it has been two steps forward and one step back for a few days. But I feel we are going forward. I appreciate your continued prayers for all of us. And if you read all of this, you deserve a medal and probably a true friend...or, you just have a lot of time on your hands...not that theres anything wrong with sounds kind of good right now. God bless you all and thanks for your love, support and prayers.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 14:52:06 +0000

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