Im posting the first chapter of Bliss here. NOW. Copyright - TopicsExpress


Im posting the first chapter of Bliss here. NOW. Copyright © 2014 Sarah Elizabeth Chapter One I toss my purse down on the hallway table and kick the door closed behind me as I let out a sigh, “Melissa?” I hear Jayden call out to me from the living room, and smile because just hearing the sound of his voice makes the long and exhausting day I’ve had seem so much more tolerable. I rest my hand against the wall and reach down to slide off my shoes. “Hey, baby,” I call out to him as I rub my feet, and after a couple of moments, I see him appear in the doorway just ahead of me. Something smells so good, but he looks better. He looks delicious. “You look nice.” I tell him. His short blonde hair is spiked neatly with gel and he’s wearing one of my favorite shirts; the light green, short sleeved silk one that he only ever wears for special occasions, “And you look like you’ve had a really bad day,” he observes as he walks slowly toward me. “Do you want me to go ahead and run you a bath?” He asks as he lifts his hands up to help me slip out of my jacket. I nod and place a small, soft kiss on his cheek. “How did your classes go?” He asks, and when I shake my head, he rubs my arms before wrapping his around my waist, steering me down the hallway and through to the bathroom. “Okay, well, all you need to worry about tonight is relaxing in the tub for a little while, and I’ll call you when I’m about to serve dinner.” He reaches over and switches on the water before placing one more kiss on my cheek, and then heads back out to the kitchen when something starts to hiss on the stove. Once I’ve tipped in some oils and removed my clothes, I dip my toes in the water and my feet instantly feel their relief. I lay down, rest the back of my head against the tub, and close my eyes as the hot water ripples over me. My dark brown hair floats around my shoulders and I begin to laugh when I hear Jayden’s voice travelling through from the kitchen. He’s singing, but he’s no singer, “Are you laughing at my vocal attempts again, honey?” I hear him call through, and I have to cover my mouth with my hand so that he won’t be offended. I stay in the tub until the water becomes only lukewarm, and then head through to our bedroom so I can get dressed and make myself look nice for our dinner. Jayden always prefers it when I keep my hair in waves, so I dry it and leave it to hang loose past my shoulders and down my back, apply a little makeup, and once I’ve sprayed a little perfume, I make my way over to the closet and pick out my favorite pair of tight blue jeans and the light blue shirt he gifted to me one Christmas time. He’s always said that he likes the way it brings out the color in my eyes. Once I’m dressed, I walk down the hallway and into the open plan main room. I see Jayden stirring some sauce on the stove with one hand while adding some herbs into the pot with the other, and head over to stand out on the small balcony of our apartment while he finishes preparing our food. The slight cool evening breeze is welcome, and I smile when I feel his hands slide around my waist. I rest back against him when he starts to trail soft, warm kisses along the back of my neck, “Dinner,” he murmurs against my skin. “Won’t.” His arms tighten around me and I close my eyes. “Be.” He spins me around and nestles his face into the crook of my neck. “Long.” His stubble begins to tickle me and I try to wriggle away as I laugh, “And dessert?” I tease as he grabs hold of my hands and pins them tightly behind my back. “We can skip straight to dessert if you want to?” he asks, leaning over me as I lean back, and I laugh when he wiggles his eyebrows while a mischievous glint appears in his eyes. “Or we could stick to the plan.” Jayden’s face suddenly turns serious, and he releases my hands as he takes a step away. I roll my eyes when he throws an apologetic glance over his shoulder, and I watch him for a moment as he makes his way back inside our apartment. “Would it really be so bad if we didn’t stick to the plan for once?” I whine after him because I know that it will be hours before we’ll make love tonight. “Yeah, I thought so …” I mumble the rest of the words quietly to myself and turn back around to look out over the streets of Manhattan. The sky is already becoming dark, but the air is still clear and warm, “Sparkling or still?” I hear him call out to me as I rest my hands on the black railing of our second floor balcony. “Melissa?” I take a deep breath and a step back before I turn around to make my way back inside. As I walk back into the living room, my boyfriend of five years is already standing by the table he’s set out for the two of us for tonight. “Still, please,” I smile as I answer him, and he nods as he begins to pour us both a drink. “So, what’s for dinner?” I walk slowly over and try to peek around him to see what’s cooking on the stove. “Salmon,” he answers as he places the small glass jug of chilled water to the side of the already lit single, white candle that’s in the center of the table, and shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly. “Here. I have something for you.” I cock my head to the side and narrow my eyes on him when I see him reach inside one of his trouser suit pockets. “No, Jay. Not another gift, I—” I try to protest, but it’s no use. When Jayden has something planned, nothing will stand in his way. “It’s seven thirty nine on the dot.” He states matter-of-factly, and I know exactly what he’s hinting toward. To Jayden, time is everything. At least, it’s everything when we’re celebrating our anniversaries. “I realize that, but you’ve already gifted me this,” I lift my arm and gesture toward my right wrist with my left hand. “And you’ve made a romantic meal, and—” Before I get the chance to say anything else, he places his fingers tenderly over my lips, hushing me. My gaze lowers to the small, squared, dark blue velvet gift box he’s holding out to me, “Go ahead.” He insists, and clears his throat. I reach out and hesitantly accept it from him. Im nervous to open it, but theres no need for me to get carried away, though. I know that if Jayden is going to propose to me then he certainly wouldn’t still be standing tall. He’ll do it the old fashioned way and bend down on one knee. And, besides, we’re too young to get engaged. Yes, we’ve been friends for the past nine years and together as an official couple for the last five, but at the age of twenty-one, he and I both know that we’re both far too young for marriage. I open the box and my chest warms, “They’re beautiful,” I tell him as I brush my fingers over the earrings before looking directly up and into his bright green eyes. His smile grows wider. “To match your bracelet,” he whispers and rests his fingers on mine. He caresses my right cheek with the back of his fingers of his other hand, winks at me the one time, and bends lower to kiss me on the lips. “Now I really need to go and serve dinner because it’s almost seven fifty-two.” I nod as I loosen my arms from around his neck. We’re not only celebrating being together for five years on this day, we’re also celebrating the day we first met, our first official date, first kiss, and the first time we made love. We met in 2005, experienced our first kiss in 2008, went on our first date in 2009, and made love for the first time in 2011. All of those things happened on the same date of each year, the seventh of July. Each and every one was special to the both of us because we experienced all of our firsts together, and every year we celebrated; just the two of us. Jayden and I both moved to New York when we finished high school, and while he managed to grab himself a position as an assistant clerk at one of the leading marketing companies in the whole of the city, I enrolled myself on an English Literature course. Who would have thought that the blonde boy I’d met on the pavement that day would have led to me being with the man of my absolute dreams? “What are you smiling about?” The sound of Jayden’s voice interrupts my thoughts and I watch him as he begins to serve our food. “Us,” I admit, and walk around to take a seat on the chair that he’s just pulled out for me. “How much I love you.” I smile up at him as I pull my chair closer to the table, and keep watching him as he takes his seat beside me. He rests his hand on my thigh and keeps his gaze on mine the whole time. “I promised you on the first day we met that I’d do anything and everything I could to make you smile again, Melissa.” I notice his face falls slightly as he turns away to grab us both a fork. “You make me smile every day,” I reach down and squeeze his hand as I fight back the lump that’s lodged uncomfortably in my throat. “Thank you.” He passes me the fork, rests his right hand on my thigh, and throws me a wink, “Come on, let’s eat.” The first day we met was bittersweet to say the least. I poured my twelve year old heart out to somebody I didn’t know because there was nobody else around who cared to listen. Each time my mom and dad had an argument, it had always ended the same. My father would drink, my mom would shout, I would cry for them to stop, the sound of glass shattering against the wall of his study could be heard half way down the street, my mom would scream some more, and then there would be silence. Every time I went to sit on the pavement opposite to my parents’ home, I always wondered when it would stop. I kept hoping that each time it happened would be the last. Well, the night that I met Jayden, it was. That night was the last time I ever saw my mom. From that day and right up until my eighteenth birthday, my dad kept drinking, and I kept out of his way until he was comatose on the couch. Each night before I went to sleep, I would lay awake and wait for him to pass out before I’d sneak downstairs to clear away the numerous empty bottles that were scattered around the house. I wanted to help him, but he was beyond being helped. He always tried to poison my mind against her. He wanted me to think badly of her. There were rumors going around the town as to why she left, but I didn’t listen. I refused to listen because I didn’t want to have the last memories of my mom tarnished by their lies. He denied that he was the one to make her leave, but I’d seen it with my own eyes. I’d always hoped that one day she would come back for me; take me with her. But, she never did. Jayden gently squeezes my thigh and I inhale a deep breath. I shake the painful memories from out of my mind and refuse to think about that day because we’re celebrating something great. Jayden’s the only person I need. He’s the only person Ill ever want. He managed to turn the date of the most painful day of my life into something special, and I’ll always be eternally grateful to him for that. We’d spent hours talking that night outside my home, and saw each other every day after that. He would meet me by my front gate and walk me to school each morning, and always made sure that I made it home safely each evening. We became good friends and then best friends first, but our love for each other grew into something more beautiful and much deeper than I could ever have imagined. We fell in love. Over dinner we talk about our week, and he tells me about a business deal that’s on the horizon at work. He seems to be confident enough that he and his company can pull it off and have the contracts signed within the coming weeks. He’s worked so hard to get where he is, and he deserves to be rewarded. I push my plate toward the center of the table and lick the tips of my fingers. Jayden reaches over and brushes the back of his hand across my cheek, “Let’s do these in the morning. We have three minutes until the movie starts.” The movie. Well, it is almost nine thirty three, and I don’t need to ask him what we’ll be watching because I already know. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Smith.’ That was the movie Jayden had taken me to see for our first date, though we hadn’t actually called it a date until after he’d walked me home that night, and we always watch it together, at the same time, on the same date, of every year since the very first. The smile he throws me as he stands up to join me tells me that he knows exactly what’s going through my mind at this particular moment, “It never gets old.” I tell him with a smile, and make my way over to the two-seater couch on the other side of the room. He dims the lights and comes to sit beside me as the movie begins to play, “Are you comfy?” He asks as he kisses my hair lightly, and then strokes his fingers lazily down my right arm. I nod and wrap my right arm around him. When we’re fifty minutes in, I can’t take it anymore. I stand up and step over until I’m blocking his view of the screen, and then start to peel my clothes off, one item at a time. First my shirt falls to the floor, and then I reach down and unbuckle the belt on my jeans before unclasping my bra at the front. “Melissa,” he says my name as though he’s regretting what he’s about to say next. I raise my eyebrows up high when I see him check his wristwatch, and he taps it as another apologetic smile sweeps over his mouth. “Forty two minutes.” I groan, kneel down in front of him, slide my hands over his knees and then higher, until I reach his crotch. I chuckle at the expression that’s started to cross over his face because I can see that he’s trying his hardest not to give in. After a brief moment, he reaches down and moves my hand away with one of his as he adjusts himself with the other, “But I want you.” I whisper. “And in forty-one minutes you can have me,” he counters as a slight spark enters his eyes. He seems to be finding the scenario far too amusing for my liking, and I let out a disgruntled moan as I take my seat back beside him again. My arm brushes with his as I reach down to grab my shirt, but his hand catches my shoulder before I manage to pick it up from the floor. “No. Leave it.” He says quietly, and the way he licks his lips as his eyes roam over my breasts makes my stomach flip through the excitement I’m feeling. Because we’ve already watched it at least five times before, the movie seems to drag. Jayden’s fingers are drumming on the small space in-between us and his foot has begun to jiggle on the floor. I turn my head to the side and see him staring straight ahead, his jaw clenched tight, “Are you okay?” I ask him, amused. “I will be,” he answers flatly, and his gaze darts lower, until it’s resting on my chest again. I bite down on my lip and shuffle closer to him. “Not. Yet.” He’s weakening, I can tell by the way he just grinded those last two words out. “Is it me or is it too hot in here?” I say as I stand back up, and then leisurely unfasten the zipper on my jeans, slipping them down to my ankles before slowly stepping out of them. “Really, really warm …” I look to him underneath hooded eyes and see that he’s drumming his fingers harder, on the arm of the couch this time. He’s concentrating hard and trying to see around me to the screen. He’s trying to pretend that I’m not standing in front of him in just my panties, and my grin widens. His eyes rove over me and he lifts his arm to get a clear look of his watch. He throws his head back until it’s resting against the back of the couch, and lets out a frustrated sigh. A couple of minutes pass by and his gaze hasn’t moved away from the dial once. I watch as his lips begin to curl up at the sides at the same time the credits begin to play in the background, and I know that the wait is finally over. At any second, he’s going to—“It’s 11:04,” he states calmly and reaches out to me before pinning me down on the couch. He wraps his hands tightly around my wrists as he holds them above my head, and I gasp when he rolls his erection against my lower stomach. “You’re a tease.” His eyes search mine before he ducks down and flicks his tongue inside my mouth, but as soon as I go to reciprocate, he moves lower and begins to caress my breasts with his tongue. His hands loosen around my wrists, and I wriggle against him when I feel them travel lower, until his fingers are skimming in-between my legs. “Mmm …” I moan, and lift my hips higher until I’m grinding myself against his hand. A deliciously warm sensation begins to flow through me when I feel him slip two fingers inside. “I want you.” I run my fingers roughly through his hair, and feel him smile against my naval when he reaches down to unfasten the zipper of his suit pants. “Right now?” he asks, though he doesn’t need to ask me that question. He knows how much I want him to be inside me. “Melissa? Do you want me right now?” He demands this time, and I can see the brightness within his deep green eyes as they shine directly on mine. “Yes,” I nod, and then in one swift motion, my legs are wrap high up around his neck and he’s buried deep inside me. My eyes flicker closed and I throw my head back hard against the cushion as he drives into me, deeper with each time he thrusts forward, and I relish the feel of his hot breaths as they breeze into my hair while his fingers grip tightly around my ankles. I reach up, clutch at his shoulders, and my fingernails begin to cut deep into his skin as soon as I feel myself beginning to tighten around him. Sweat beads have formed over his brow, and he leans down and presses his forehead against mine as I begin to lose myself around him, “Say it,” he speaks into my mouth, and lowers my legs as his tongue strokes against mine. I moan again, and he pulls out a few inches before stilling his movements. “Say. It.” His voice is more authoritative and his eyes have become dark. “Own me,” I plead with him, and as soon as I say the words that he always needs to hear when we make love, he rocks back and forth, over and over until I cry out from the release he’s just allowed me to experience. “You … own … me.” I whisper breathlessly as he empties himself inside me. He collapses on top of me, his chest pressed hard against mine. I stroke my fingers through his hair again as he rests his face beside mine, and with each minute that passes by, I hear his breaths beginning to even out. “I own you,” he whispers softly by my ear, places a tender kiss on my lips, and then moves over until he’s lying beside me. “Happy Anniversaries.” He nestles his face into the crook of my neck and snakes his warm hands around my body as he cuddles in. “Happy Anniversaries,” I repeat in a whisper.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 20:30:05 +0000

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