Im posting this clip not in support but just to demonstrate how - TopicsExpress


Im posting this clip not in support but just to demonstrate how far weve regressed. I grew up with a respect for law enforcement that I carry to this day. What people dont understand is that respect. They feel it is a capitulation to a power structure when it is far from it. Sure everyone gets ticked when they get pulled over for a traffic violation but the fact is the police officer is not the one doing something wrong here, hes just doing his job. And every time he/she pulls someone over they have no clue if its a routine stop or if the person pulled over is armed and ready to shoot. They put their lives on the line on a daily basis. So when I saw this video on the news one night it didnt just disturb me it ticked me off. Yes I think the way the Eric Garner case was handled was wrong, but a grand jury, complete with all information regarding the case, decided not to file charges. This doesnt mean the officer wont still face numerous cases down the line, just not those particular charges. But every death of a black man at the hands of a white police officer does not cry out racism any more than the death of a white man at hands of a black officer does. Both happen all the time and yet only one causes such an outrage and turmoil. Ignored are the facts of the cases, beginning with the victim only being approached by the officer because he/she was breaking the law. If they werent then theyd still be here today. So back to this video. It seems that someone watching was inspired by it. The crowd protesting is chanting What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now! Huh? These people who are willing to put on a uniform, a target for some, to do nothing more than protect your rights, to go after people who would do you wrong, who do so at salaries that are no way near enough for what they do, you want them dead? What would the streets be like if there were no police? Who would you call when you were robbed or beaten? What would the world be like with ever illicit act common place on the street where you live and out in the open? Unfortunately those thoughts never seem to cross the minds of those who chant slogans. Shortly after that this last week 2 officers were gunned down in New York. The gunman (who I wont give celeb status to by posting his name) walked up to their car and shot them point blank. His reason? “They Take 1 Of Ours . . . Let’s Take 2 of Theirs.” So I guess those protesters got what they wanted. Will any of them remember their chants the next time theyre mugged or robbed? I doubt it. When that happens theyll complain that no one was there to prevent it from happening. So I say heck with these protesters. I say stop putting the blame off on police officers for them doing their job when you get pulled over because you were speeding. I say stop thinking that all police officers are jerks because 1 out of how many hundred might behave that way on occasion. You have no idea what he/she had to deal with that day. And officers remember that when you put on your uniform you represent ALL officers in the eyes of the public. Treat them with respect instead of intimidation and they might stop the complaining about how they were treated. Ive been fortunate that that has always been the case in any involvement with police I have ever had. And for anyone who chants that police should be killed shame on you. Stop being part of a group that wants nothing more than to use your anger at a particular situation to gain personal power for themselves and themselves alone. Be angry but remember reality returns the day after you protest. The cop that you chant you want dead could be the one that rushes in to save your life the day after that protest. https://youtube/watch?v=dj4ARsxrZh8
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 20:21:58 +0000

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