Im pretty sure its way too late to wake up the majority of people - TopicsExpress


Im pretty sure its way too late to wake up the majority of people in Australia, or anywhere else for that matter, as the controlled mainstream media has the sheeple by the brainstem. Fortunately the internet has so far overcome the censorship of the MSM & has been, to a great extent, able to provide information to those seeking the answers to many enormously large questions. Thanks to the work of many great researches who have done the hard yards & put in countless hours of their time to bring us excellent documentaries such as this one, people can know vast amounts of facts & information without having to spend years searching for & reading books & other information. THIS IS A MUST SEE DOCUMENTARY FOR EVERYONE ON THE PLANET !!!!!!! A history of the Zionist/Communist wars & takeover of nations from 1878 & including WW1 & 2 & who were and are behind these wars & takeovers. Exposes the Zionist/Communist ideals, parts of Agenda 21, gun control, censorship, world economic subjugation, world domination & much much more. The information provided here should be taught in every school, every university & be presented on television over & over again in the whole world, until people fully understand it all. Of course it doesnt cover every little detail of everything that has gone on in the world, but it covers enough to expose what has gone on & is going on today to a great degree. My hope is that everyone should watch & share this documentary as far & wide as humanly possible. https://youtube/watch?v=XuzkLbHb1Q8
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 08:43:00 +0000

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