Im pretty sure that Ill be the only one mentioning this to you, - TopicsExpress


Im pretty sure that Ill be the only one mentioning this to you, but on Tuesday, we have a chance to take out the reigning king of the polluters, Rep. Fred Upton, the Republican Chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. The Los Angeles Times has called Fred Upton one of the biggest threats to Planet Earth on Planet Earth. Upton has tried to overturn the U.S. Supreme Court decision allowing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate greenhouse gas pollution. He says that Congresss failure to act against climate disruption - a failure that he is largely responsible for - means that the EPA must sit on its hands, as well. Upton says that doing anything to fight carbon pollution would hamstring our economic recovery. But Uptons not all bad. He cosponsored a bill to make light bulbs more energy efficient. Then he led the fight to prevent President Obama from enforcing it. Let me put it this way: When Upton was an infant, his first words were drill, baby, drill. Pollution defender Fred Upton has got to go. Click here to make a last-minute contribution to his opponent, progressive Democrat Paul Clements. Prof. Lawrence Lessig runs MAYDAY PAC, the PAC to end all PACs, which is dedicated to countering special-interest sewer money in politics. Lessig has this to say about Upton: When it comes to Fred Upton, the link between the people who fund his campaigns and the way he votes in Congress is crystal-clear. . . . Upton has taken $10 million in special interest PAC money over his career. He took $2.1 million from Big Oil and energy interests, and [then] he voted to give away billions in subsidies for oil and gas companies. MAYDAY decided to work to defeat Fred Upton because he is the epitome of the modern corrupt politician. MAYDAY PAC is spending over $2 million in grassroots small-dollar donations to defeat Fred Upton.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 13:44:48 +0000

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