Im reading all of the posts on the various situations in Ferguson - TopicsExpress


Im reading all of the posts on the various situations in Ferguson and NY and feel the need to make a few points. First, in general, I completely support the police and law enforcement personnel. The vast majority of the people doing that very difficult and dangerous job are fantastic people who do a great job. The small percentage of the people in that job who abuse the position deserve the worst punishments available. They deserve to have very bad people do very bad things to them often and die an agonizing death. Second, if you have not seen ALL of the evidence in the Ferguson case (and there are very, very, very few people who have) you really dont have anything substantial to say. If you dont know all of the facts and are relying on facebook and twitter for your information, then your opinion is really not valid. If you are destroying property and beating people up that have nothing to do with the case, you are not honoring anyone, you are not changing the system, you are a moron who is guilty of destruction of private property and/or assault and battery and you should be put in jail. This is NOT taking either side, I cant take either side because I have not seen all of the evidence. Third, All deaths of innocent people are tragic. If you want to protest, then protest them all, including the tragic times when cowards kill police officers who are only doing their job and protecting the citizenry. If we want equality, then we should all be treated the same. Last but not least, do not paint all people who have similar skin color with the same brush. Anyone who knows me well knows that I do not use the terms black, white or African American because these are idiotic terms that have little bearing in reality. The next step in that thinking for me is that you cannot assume everyone who has similar skin color acts and behaves the same. There are lots of terrible people in the world and they have all shades of skin. There are also many, many, many more good people in the world and those come in all shades as well.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 17:21:36 +0000

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