Im reposting this again because its an important local news and I - TopicsExpress


Im reposting this again because its an important local news and I would like my neighbors to see it: A few weeks ago I saw an interesting clip about Fukushima nuclear disaster. It showed an overview of Japan as the earthquake was hitting and radiation leak from Fukushima was indicated as red plume. Surprisingly, there were other tiny red spots all over Japan indicating constant leaks from the normally operating nuclear plants. Ive seen articles talking about constant low level leaks from the plants and elevated cancer risk around nuclear plants but It was quite shocking to see a visual proof of the leaks. The linked article is from the local paper but anyone who live close to nuclear plants should pay attention to it. From Star Prescillas wall: East Hampton Star Radiation in Air Ocean City, N.J. October 27, 2014 To the Editor: The Millstone nuclear plant in Connecticut is close to eastern Suffolk County. The eight ZIP code areas farthest to the east are just 11 to 25 miles from the plant. About 30,000 people live in these towns all year long and many more spend summers there. Millstone’s two aging and corroding reactors are licensed to operate until 2035 and 2046. As the reactors age, mechanical problems and leaks become more likely. In the past month, citizens, plus state and federal officials, have increased oversight of the plant, citing various safety concerns. The huge amount of radioactive waste in Millstone’s reactor cores and deep pools of water must constantly be cooled both pose risk of a meltdown. But while a meltdown is possible, actual radiation from the reactors routinely escapes into the environment. Historically, Millstone has emitted the third-most radiation of any U.S. nuclear plant. These radioactive particles and gases represent over 100 chemicals and enter the body through breathing and the food chain. They damage or kill healthy cells, leading to diseases such as cancer and birth defects. Plant owners and regulators measure levels of escaped radiation, but measurements are only occasional and mostly close to the plant — not in places like Long Island. A decade ago, citizens and scientists studied levels of one radioactive chemical (strontium 90) in thousands of baby teeth. Researchers found that in Suffolk, child cancer risk rose as radiation levels in teeth rose. Many locals have been concerned about high cancer rates for years. In the late 2000s, breast and prostate cancer in the eight most eastern ZIP codes on Long Island were somewhat higher than the rest of Suffolk and well above the state and nation. Many factors cause cancer, but Millstone emissions should be regarded as one potential risk. A new way for citizens to make their own measurements of radiation in air is with hand-sized devices. These gadgets have become more popular since the 2011 Fukushima meltdown. They can be easily connected to a home computer, and minute-by-minute radiation counts are automatically entered into a data file. Such programs are already under way near the Indian Point and Oyster Creek plants, just north and south of New York City. Citizens of eastern Long Island are encouraged to help establish a local program by contacting the New York-based Radiation and Public Health Project research and education group, radiation. org. JOSEPH MANGANO Executive Director Radiation and Public Health Project
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 21:01:42 +0000

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