Im reposting this since now we have Amber Vinson, RN also infected - TopicsExpress


Im reposting this since now we have Amber Vinson, RN also infected with Ebola. I would also like to add that we are not trained in the biohazard training level 4 that Dr. Frieden mentions needs to be used. I dont believe the equipment used in that involve paper gowns and plastic face shields, either. Now that Amber Vinson is at Emory and is right next door to the CDC, I feel sure that Dr. Tom Frieden will go see her and wear the same PPE she wore that the CDC told her to wear when they called them to ask specifically what to do when pt zero aka Mr. Duncan was confirmed positive. So again I write......................................................... Attention Dr. Tom Frieden, Director of the CDC: I am challenging you to go into the isolated room of 26 year old Texas RN Nina Pham or the isolated room of Ebola infected RN Amber Vinson. You must wear the PPE equipment that your CDC sent to my email at the hospital where I am employed as being perfectly safe and sufficient to wear when treating an Ebola patient. This would be the same equipment that Nina and Amber were wearing. I would like for you to start a new IV site for her and change out her fluids. Also she needs her faced washed off from her nose bleed. She may need to be dialyzed also, which I am sure you with your medical degree would not mind doing. If she needs intubating, I am sure you will be the first to volunteer to do it. Otherwise, make sure you suction her out really well. Oh yes, be sure to get her vital signs, and if she has fever, treat it. A cooling blanket would be good, and put a cool cloth on her head. Go ahead and change her linens since they are so soiled. Provide mouth care by swabbing her mouth as it is so dry from the dehydration. And then when you come out of her room after the patient care has been done, make an instructional video on how to remove the PPE since you are such an expert at it. And then do the same thing 2 hours later as average patients need to be cared for at least every 2 hours, sometimes more depending on the medical situation. Thanks so much. From: RC, RN from Georgia
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 01:28:58 +0000

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