Im riding where ever the road runs Im going wherever the path - TopicsExpress


Im riding where ever the road runs Im going wherever the path goes No ones telling me where to go So Im going where no ones told Born to Die: The Dao of the Leaf 生为了死:🍃叶子的道 The leafs one goal in life is to grow and work and at the very end jump off as high as he can. The one all the way at the top falls from higher than any leaf has but needs others to fall first. Before him there were many but now it is his time to do it thats it, Im ready; time to jump! He floats down from the highest point any leaf has ever jumped, flying weightlessly he falls for the: next generation that will come after then he gets stepped on and crushed for the next ones sake Providing for them even with his death he returns to dirt and the dirt swallows him whole And births the new Life Love Reproduction Evolving anew To provide what the last lacked Love is inside us Our hate must be taught Saviors Redemption Russian Roulette Waiting Game Warning! Warning! Warn- Save that for later Words onto paper Mean another thing when said. Imagine youre an old man and youve decided Ive done everything I want, Im ready to die. You go to a tall building get onto the roof you take one last look close your eyes and just let go. To be so content you feel there is nothing left to do. Have no fear! Just jump! Knowing your death will be quick. To live is to die It is not how long you live, its how much living you do before death. Some who live long lives dont live very much; some who live short lives have lived more than one lifetime. As identity changes we start brand new lives within our own life and change our tactics. Live in this moment and the next moment Live a lifetime every day and die with no fear. Day 68-72 8/5-8/9 OK a lot has happened. Left the homie Kyle with some realizations: everything is either a tool or distraction, each leaf tries to jump off higher than the last, and the fallacy that is donuts. Doughnuts obviously have something to do with dough, but they never have nuts, maybe some on the top but even without nuts its still called a doughnut. Then we have doughnut holes which are actually the doughnut and the thing we think of as donuts are really doughnut holes. And now we shortened it to do-nuts even though the old fashioned ones are still called doughnuts but we should ask for a dozen do-nuts at dunkin donuts. Anyway we decided there is definitely something to this donut-doughnut-donut hole thing and it needs to be looked at a little more closely. So with that in mind, I rode from Stockton to Sacramento 50 some miles mostly on 99 which does not allow bicycles but i thought it was a better alternative to going up on 5. The police didnt bother me so it worked out. Finally got to see my brother Julian the Dreamer aka Juju the Lame. We had a super chill few days hanging out and playing frisbee and catching up. Also met his brother Robert who is also a cool guy and Julians girl Katrina. We didnt get down to rapping too much but its just as well because i didnt have anything to record it on anyway. We definitely have to get up in Brazil! Today I got up and met back up with my dad & uncle Howard and we drove down to Muir Woods but it was super packed so we just went to Muir Beach instead which was a lot nicer and less crowded. Then we made our way up to Santa Rosa where we checked into a Travelodge and I will re-pack what is necessary and leave the rest. I got a new helmet and a bug net for the hammock so I think Im ready to tackle the PCH 101. The next few days I will be camping out hammock style so I might not have signal or power to post. But we will see. Ill start from Bodega Bay tomorrow. Time for a good night sleep. Oh yeah & I cut my hair.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 04:37:19 +0000

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