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Im sending you updated info - please share it -- YOU WILL BE SHOCKED AT THE PREVELANCE OF BAD COP ON DOG SHOOTINGS. PLEASE, READ THIS POST – then support and share WITH FAMILY & FRIENDS this Puppycide documentary –https://facebook/pages/Puppycide-The-Documentary/557471920974012 CONTRIBUTIONS AND SHARING ARE URGENTLY NEEDED. HELP FUND THIS CRITICAL DOCUMENTARY -- ALL AMOUNTS HELP, $1, $10, $100, $1000. WHATEVER YOU CAN GIVE OR DO, OR BOTH, PLEASE!!!! (If you want to raise awareness of this epidemic outside of Facebook, here are links to media sources in the United States: (1) U.S. newspapers by circulation; (2) U.S. newspapers by state; (3) U.S. Radio Stations by State; and (4) U.S. Television Stations by State PROFESSIONAL ANIMAL WELFARE ORGANIZATION ARTICLES REGARDING COP ON DOG SHOOTINGS ASPCA: Summer 2013 Position Statement on Law Enforcement Response to Potentially Dangerous Dogs American Legal Defense Fund: Dogs Shot by Cops: Companion Animals and Law Enforcement: Best Friends Animal Society, July 24, 2013 “Police Shooting of Dogs: A Disturbing Trend” by Francis Battista, Co-founder National Humane Education Society “These examples only scratch the surface of recent reports of dogs being shot by officers on duty…” STATES SO FAR WITH LAWS DIRECTED AT COP ON DOG SHOOTINGS: IN THE AFTERMATH OF OVER 40 BAD COLORADO COP ON DOG SHOOTINGS IN THE LAST 5 YEARS, COLORADO’S ENTIRE 100 MEMBER GENERAL ASSEMBLY (SENATORS & REPRESENTATIVES, DEMOCRATS & REPUBLICANS), UNANIMOUSLY VOTED IN FAVOR OF COLORADO’S DOG PROTECTION ACT AND THEN IT WAS SIGNED INTO LAW 5-13-13 BY GOVERNOR HICKENLOOPER LINK TO FINAL TEXT OF COLORADOS DOG PROTECTION ACT ( ) and LINK TO AUDIO OF 4-3-13 COLORADO SENATE DOG PROTECTION ACT COMMITTEE HEARING coloradoga.granicus/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=47&clip_id=3550&meta_id=57748. Listen to testimony of Colorado lawmakers, Arapahoe County Colorado Sheriff, owners of Colorado dogs wrongfully shot by law enforcement and dedicated Colorado citizens. Illinois Governor signs similar law August 2013 chicagonow/steve-dales-pet-world/2013/08/gov-quinn-supports-dogs-illinois-is-most-humane-state-in-america/ . TEXT OF IL HB 3388 amended to include: “as well as training on canine behavior and nonlethal ways to subdue a canine” Maryland police departments are required to report to the governors office every time they kill a dog during a drug raid. See thedailybeast/articles/2009/07/19/dogs-in-a-deadly-crossfire.html AND washingtonpost/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/07/30/AR2008073003299.html Tennessee General Patton Act followed the Smoak’s dog shooting case policemag/channel/careers-training/news/2003/01/29/shooting-prompts-agency-to-teach-animal-handling.aspx It includes an animal behavior component in peace officer certification training so officers can ascertain threat, control the situation and neutralize the threat with the least amount of force or harm to the animal . Texas draft legislation for mandatory 8 hour class every 3 years on-lethal methods to use when they encounter a strange dog in the field https://facebook/notes/justice-for-lacy-kirra/aadavis-sbanoa1358/460022190735887 . Fort Worth Border Collie, Lily https://facebook/pages/Remembering-Lily-A-Reason-for-Change/304212019673773 STILL UNSURE AS TO THE PREVELANCE OF THIS EPIDEMIC? WATCH THIS VIDEO IN MEMORY OF SOME OF THE DOGS youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=T-YZcBq5BJY THEN CHECK OUT THIS WEB PAGE cops-shooting-dogs.blogspot/p/fb-cause-pages.html STOP CHILDREN WITNESSING THEIR FAMILY DOG BEING SHOT BY A PERSON SUPPOSED TO BE IN A POSITION OF TRUST (sampling of cases) (1) St. Paul, Minnesota cops handcuffed children forced to sit near dead pet reason/...; (2) Minneapolis police shoot dog next to toddler freerepublic/focus/chat/3006938/posts; (3) Memphis, Tennessee dog shot while playing with 9 year old child examiner/...; (4) Arlington officer decided that he was so scared of this little dog that he opened fire in front of little children” galoor/...; (5) Ripley, Mississippi child hit by bullet fragments wmctv/Global/story.asp?S=14293727; (6) Two Waldorf, Maryland children were watching, including a 2 year old just a foot away when dog shot nbcwashington/...; (7) Fort Worth teens hurt when cop shoots dog clipsyndicate/...; (8) Chicago Cops Raid Wrong House, Threaten Children and Kill Dog; (9) 10 Year Old Boy Sees Mount Vernon Cop Shoot His Dog copdogkillers.blogspot/...; (10) Columbia SWAT Team Kills Restrained Dog For Barking In Front of Child youtube/watch... REASONABLE PUBLIC EXPECTATIONS INCLUDE RECONCILIATION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS with the LAW ENFORCEMENT OATH OF HONOR (According to the International Association of Chiefs of Police IRRECONCILABLE DIFFERENCES = PUBLIC OUTRAGE. Public Outrage is a signal THAT: BETRAYAL OF THE PUBLIC TRUST HAS OCCURRED IN YOUR COMMUNITY AND YOU (the shooting Law Enforcement Officer) ARE ACCOUNTABLE, for YOUR HONOR, INTEGRITY AND COURAGE are now in question. OATH OF HONOR: “On my honor, I will never betray my badge1, my integrity, my character, or the public trust. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions. I will always uphold the constitution2 my community3 and the agency I serve.” DEFINITIONS: Honor means that ones word is given as a guarantee. Betray is defined as breaking faith with the public trust. Badge is the symbol of your office. Integrity is being the same person in both private and public life. Character means the qualities that distinguish an individual. Public Trust is a charge of duty imposed in faith toward THOSE YOU SERVE. Courage is having the strength to withstand unethical pressure, fear or danger. Accountability means that you are answerable and responsible to your oath of office. Community is the jurisdiction and CITIZENS SERVED LAW ENFORCEMENT PUBLICATIONS REGARDING COP ON DOG SHOOTINGS In the Line of Duty Special Issue Fact Sheet: What Dogs Try to Tell Cops (23:50 program length, for Continuing Education Credit) animalliberationfront/Practical/Pets/factsheetbehavior.pdf August 2013 “The Police Chief” magazine article titled “Officer Safety Corner: Dogs and the Police Response: A Guide for Safe, Successful, and Humane Encounters.” “Management of Aggressive Canines for Law Enforcement” by Troy Kechely think-dog/TDC_Services.html The Problem of Dog-Related Incidents and Encounters National Canine Research Council on DOJ’s Manual nationalcanineresearchcouncil/blog/dojs-training-manual-provides-much-needed-resource-as-evidenced-by-fatal-shooting-of-dog-by-law-enforcement-officer-in-austin-tx/ LE’s own publication “Law Enforcement Today” warns “Officers need to be concerned about the possibility of a lawsuit being filed if an officer is involved in a dog shooting! lawenforcementtoday/tag/dog-shooting/. examiner/article/law-enforcement-today-article-warns-police-not-to-kill-family-dogs Laura Scarry, Attorney at Law Shooting Dogs: Taking a Bite Out of the Constitution lawenforcementtoday/tag/dr-olivia-johnson/ Police One April 2013 Article: policeone/K-9/articles/6183772-Proposed-bill-would-re-train-police-on-handling-dog-encounters/ 2012 Article in Law Enforcement Today by Charlotte Raschke, “Don’t Shoot My Dog” lawenforcementtoday/2012/06/01/don’t-shoot-my-dog/#comments
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 01:44:09 +0000

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