Im seriously not impressed by the developments in Zimbabwe, these - TopicsExpress


Im seriously not impressed by the developments in Zimbabwe, these problems come as recycled products every five years since the land issue emerged. My argument is not based because of the elections and the unofficial results but mainly of the misdirected revolution in that country. Te absence of a communist part in that country leaves a lot of opportunity for a true class oriented struggle, that country has relied too much on technocratic planning leading to serious challenges that can be overcomed in the course of an NDR programme based on the conditions of Zimbabwe . The victory of ZANUPF is applauded, but it doesn’t make sense to begin where u last began (recycling) , what is being confirmed here is that Liberation Movements are relevant only for a particular role in the revolution , that of redressing and attending to the immediate national challenges , but beyond that they becomes irrelevant because inherently LMs are homogenous in their inconsistence, ambiguous tendencies . The one solution that can see that country in serious progress is a left intervention through a communist party and the struggles of the workers , for socialism, narrow pan africanism and childish left postures can only lead to permanent disasters. The left has been too slumberous of late , letting the struggle on protracted probabilities which are not consistent with the words of Che after the victory of the Cuban revolution , ‘We consider that the Cuban Revolution contributed three fundamental lessons to the conduct of revolutionary movements in America. They are: -Popular forces can win a war against the army. -It is not necessary to wait until all conditions for making revolution exist; the insurrection can create them.’ Socialism is a mass act of the mighty force of the working class , it is built , it drains lot of energy .
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 19:37:38 +0000

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