Im sharing a post by one of Andrews brothers in arms who is a - TopicsExpress


Im sharing a post by one of Andrews brothers in arms who is a writer: Justin Blodgett Never fear, the Infantry has arrived. Ok, the recent flood of immigrants is alarming considering how bad this country is right now. What this appears to be is an attempt by the Leftist Extremists to suddenly turn the tides with an election looming that has the strong possibility to depose them from office. Now, call me a conspiracy theorist, but theres just too much coincidence for this to be accidental. Violence in Mexico has not peaked, contrary to popular belief. It actually peaked about three years ago. There were less immigrants swarming the border then than there are today. Due to reasons I am not at liberty to discuss, violence has decreased overall in Mexico. I personally have nothing against immigrants coming across the border, so long as they work for their keep, like every American should (emphasis on should) and stay on the right side of the law. Legality of immigration status means little. However, this flood seems extremely deliberate. Not only is our economy in shambles (STILL!), but there is a vast shortage of Law Enforcement to help even mitigate the situation, let alone control it. Between the timing and sheer amount, it has to be government sponsored; either ours, theirs or both. Civilians couldnt even evacuate a city in 2005, even with the Governments help. Now were expected to believe that THOUSANDS of people are migrating from cartel violence that is actually less intense than it was three years ago (when a migration would have been expected but did not occur) on their own? Not to mention that ever illegal that comes across the border is another potential voter for the left wing parties, especially if they hand out food, clothing and shelter to them in the name of their party. Anyone who tries to block this, appears their enemy. As far as the Gangs go, that just goes to show whos getting in on this. MS-13 is the street arm of the Sinaloa Cartel in Mexico, which tends to control the West Coast states of Mexico. Theyre also a predominant Prison Gang in the U.S. as well as a powerful street gang here. Also, by creating a Crisis this close to an election, it also plays into the old policy of let me finish this before I leave. FDR did it. Giuliani as well (Although I must point out he DID step down once he could do no more for NYC). How many congressmen are going to play this card once the election roll by? As for the payments, just wrap all of that in a nice neat little bundle. Congress still hasnt passed the Unemployment Relief Budget, meaning unemployment payments are on the state. Which means at most 9 months. Unfortunately, most states, such as NY, are only 6 months. But this actually works in favor of the ruling party as well. You see, once you come off unemployment payments, there is no point in registering with unemployment. And the more people that no longer file for unemployment, the less people being reported as unemployed. This is why the unemployment rate has decreased over the last six years. However, the Labor Rate in the US, which ACTUALLY tracks who is employed and unemployed, also has decreased. Putting this all together is either deliberate or criminal negligence. This crisis at the borders is only the TIP of the iceberg, but it is the only thing being blasted by the media, because by focusing on one element, you fail to see the big picture.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 05:14:52 +0000

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