Im sharing this again, NOT because its particularly wise or - TopicsExpress


Im sharing this again, NOT because its particularly wise or well-written--Ive seen others say the same thing, and better--because its IMPORTANT, and it CANNOT BE SAID ENOUGH. Anyone who truly cares about the tenuous future of freedom should be concerned about the thoughtless and counterproductive efforts by a handful of self-appointed attention-seeking pundits to spur the movement (whatever that is) into a downward spiral of reactionary violence and preemptive murder. These guys--assuming they ARENT CIA agents-provocateurs or FBI spooks (theyre damn sure acting like them)--are doing their credulous followers or the movement in general no favor when they rationalize when its okay to succumb to the ideology of violence, or celebrate random homicide as a revolutionary action. This isnt libertarianism, its thuggery. Shooting cops in the back of their head while theyre eating pizza on their lunch break is the type of behavior Che Guevara wouldve applauded. Im not advocating anyone shun or silence people like Larken Rose or Christopher Cantwell. But we are the intellectual company we keep, and I urge everyone who considers themselves an advocate of human rights and freedom to pick better friends, shall we say. Cantwell and Rose both posture that theyre saying things that need to be said, and it looks like a large portion of their sycophants are buying it. Bullshit. This is NOT about absolving the state of its horrors and abuses--thats a petty attempt at misdirection, dont fall for that old trick. I would guess that very few of Roses and Cantwells friends are statists, so their dual attacks on their critics are just poorly-disguised passive-aggression. This isnt about the STATE, gentlemen, we already know the state is evil, dont be such patronizing twits. This is about HOW TO RESPOND to that evil. This is about STAYING HUMAN. So please, LIKE this post, SHARE this post, promote it on other liberty-oriented sites. And while youre at it, share Cory Massiminos Put Down The Gun, Pick Up A Slice as well: BECAUSE THIS MESSAGE, TOO, NEEDS TO BE SAID. Bretigne Shaffer Dave Hitt Dave Danielson Phil Peters Shaun Lee Mark Laythorpe Valentine Joseph Kryss Friendface Mimi Chase Michaela Nastasia Natalie Fawn Danelishen Troy Omelchuk David Kramer Brian Hazel Anthony Gregory Tina Miles Stephan Kinsella Brad Spangler Sheldon Richman Brian Cantin Brian Hagen Anne Keckler Robert Murphy Brian W. Ryman Anna O Morgenstern Kent McManigal Wally Conger Nicole Jordan Sean Kamp Colleen McCool Radley Balko Don Pomeroy Bill Kelsey Dan McCall Geoffrey Allan Plauché Stefan Molyneux Jim Bovard Elle Wilham Alex Bromberg Bruce Leland Bryant Josh Webster Treg Loyden Thomas L. Knapp
Posted on: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 17:49:58 +0000

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