Im sharing this in the group because I would like to acknowledge - TopicsExpress


Im sharing this in the group because I would like to acknowledge the effort and hard work that the staff of my not so atas establishment put in each and every night. Just this last Friday we had a gentleman come in. He seemed slightly ruffled and annoyed, and because of his demeanor one of the staff asked him if he was alright and if hed like a glass of water. It appeared that his phone needed charging and he was pissed off because no other bar would entertain his request to help charge his phone. Of course we gladly obliged, cos thats what we do. Upon cheering him up he ordered a beer for himself and a round of shots for the staff. When billed out he left a $139 cash tip. But thats not all. Once his phone was suitably charged he didnt just leave. He stayed for a while until closing and during that time he bought a bottle of Grey Goose, which he shared with some of our regulars, and at the end of the night insisted on buying another bottle of Grey Goose just because he felt his bill wasnt high enough for the attention and service that he had received. Oh and another $41 tip on top of the bottles bill. I doubt we will ever see him again but on his behalf I thank the staff of Alegro Churros Bar. You dont always get the recognition and reward you deserve but you keep on going and your standards never drop. That says a lot about you. Well done and keep it up! Wendy Reyes Durga Youspos Ivan Tan Rufi Sha Kelly Ronette Thiban Paramasivam and not to forget recent former staff Rafee Yahya Anjelica Goh and Sadrinah whos not in my FB list. You guys are awesome!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 14:19:53 +0000

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