Im sharing this post because I dare you to watch it with an open - TopicsExpress


Im sharing this post because I dare you to watch it with an open mind about our Police Force. Warning, this video is graphic, because....well, the truth is graphic. Life is graphic. My husband, who is a firefighter (over 23 yrs), in one of the most dangerous professions in the world, has responded to many calls that required the POLICE to secure the scene before he could respond to the wounded. Hes been on fire calls where people have had the audacity to steal equipment off of the truck while firefighters were risking their lives. Hes been on calls where hes had to seek cover until POLICE have responded to the scene. Hes had to rely on the Police many times in order to be able to do his job. When we, as a Society, realize that the change really must occur with how the PEOPLE need to change their responses to Authority rather than the Police letting down their guard. When we realize THEY go to war every day too, then perhaps we can give them a little latitude to make that critical split second decision that will determine whether they go home that evening or not. I know, as the wife of a firefighter, that a kiss goodbye may be the last one I have. If God decides to call him home in the line of duty, I pray it is not due to the senseless violence of another person. Watch the video and be honest with yourself about the Ferguson fiasco or Al Sharpton or these stupid Mayors and Politicians who are siding with politics rather than their own police force, or even our President, who gives more homage to criminals than to our own military and civil servants. Im just so sick and tired of being quiet. I AM part of the silent majority and I refuse to remain silent any longer! Period.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 12:20:11 +0000

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