Im sharing this with the permission of my sister, to raise - TopicsExpress


Im sharing this with the permission of my sister, to raise awareness of abuse. this happened back oct of 2013. she and her family had been living with my family at the time and we had no idea that she had been going through this. that night he choked her until she passed out, then continued to beat on her. she didnt come to until morning when she had to get the kids off to school. the kids were the only ones who left the room.It was the final straw for her realizing that her life couldve been taken and her children couldve been left without a mom. it wasnt til later in the day when our other sister came over to give my sister support and have her call the police to file a report against him that i saw her and found out what had been happening. I know that it couldve been worse, but it should NEVER have happened in the first place. That is not love! If someone loves another person they would not intentionally physically, verbally, or emotionally hurt the other person whether it be a significant other or child. If you are in an abusive relationship, speak out, you are not alone there is help.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 15:37:32 +0000

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