Im sharing this with you guys just in case one is wondering where - TopicsExpress


Im sharing this with you guys just in case one is wondering where you are on those fantastic electronics... The reason why modern Polynesia can’t use the ancient star system for navigation… wanting more info then share our face book page and write the title of our research, amazing stuff here... As we know everything on this planet revolves in cycles, i.e. what goes round comes round, spring / summer / autumn / winter, high tide / low tide, hot / cold, day / night, up / down all applies to the rotation of our mother Earth and Sun. To give the reader an idea of earthly movement within our very own planetary system one finds that we are always moving taking approximately 220 million years to complete a single journey through and around the ‘Milk Way’ and whilst doing so we are moving along with other galaxies forever outwards at one million miles per earth-hours to God knows where? For an example: At this moment whilst reading this you are probably sitting down taking up a minute piece of Earth at approximately 30 – 40 degrees north or south, which means we’re spinning from west to east at a rate of about 860 miles per hour and at the equator, because of the large bulge, 1,040 mph. At the same time, our Earth is moving through its 12 month orbit around the Sun at 66,661 miles an hour, and our Sun is carrying itself and her planets toward the star Vega at something like 31,000 miles an hour. Our Sun and Vega move around the galaxy at a blinding speed of 700,000 miles per hour, and our own Galaxy itself rotates at 559,350 miles an hour. And that’s not all... Our Galaxy moves in relation to all other Galaxies as they rush through the universe at a speed of better than 1,000,000 miles an hour. So when you sit there being absolutely still you are moving in six wildly directions at an accumulated speed of maybe two and a half million miles per hour. So you can never be motionless. In fact we are travelling always at speed which is in a way incomprehensible. And it’s happening all the time even whilst you sleep. Ancient navigation methods used today now rendered impossible. The sun stands still, as we move taking 365 days to complete the cycle. As mentioned above it’s our whole star system is always moving thereby ancient navigation as used 1000 – 700 years ago using the stars to navigate by cannot be used today. The ancient navigators relied only on the rising and the setting of the sun. createspace/3832110 54 people reached Before Maori - NZs First Inhabitants by Ross M Bodle This book explores a variety of evidence pointing to a long-term pre-Maori inhabitation of New Zealand. It covers the movement of people from Africa, across Asia and down through the Pacific, tracing their route by demonstrating striking similarities of language and culture. The content may be contr… CREATESPACE.COM
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 01:11:30 +0000

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