Im sick of hearing about the faults with the Affordable Care Act, - TopicsExpress


Im sick of hearing about the faults with the Affordable Care Act, aka OBAMACARE! It should never have come to this anyway. When are people in this country going to learn that the problem with healthcare in this country is not only the affordability of premiums. Its the crooked and corrupt prices being charged by the health industry as a whole. The only way we are going to provide affordable healthcare to the majority of the people in this country, is first bring these medical charges down, and cap them at reasonable levels. Starting first with these pharmaceutical companies, and hospitals. There is to much damn bureaucracy and useless administrative bullshit in running a hospital. Which in turn perpetuate a climate of over charging to pay all those people running these bureaucratic monsters. Most of the money being sucked up by hospital goes to their administrative machine, not healthcare. Drug companies need to be reeled in with their pricing. Medication that has been researched and developed 10 years ago, should not be costing anyone an arm and leg today. Most of it are placeboes anyway, and dont fix shit, without causing some other malfunction in your body. Doctors need to understand that you can make a modest living practicing medicine. Instead of them all trying to become super rich off of the helpless. Last but not least, we need to cap the amount of money it takes to get a medical degree. It only feeds the fire of greed and corruption from the beginning. Forcing young doctors to practice unsafe medicine at a high price so they can pay off those enormous million dollar student loans. It starts with us raising our voices about the bullshit, greed, corruption, and a system out of control. The government cant fix it, because they are the ones that broke it!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 06:07:01 +0000

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