Im sitting here in America land writing a song, you havent heard - TopicsExpress


Im sitting here in America land writing a song, you havent heard it yet so dont try to sing along.. Meet the grandparents has gone so well, nicest people one could meet, Theyve shown me so much love and given me a world of food to eat.. Americans are generally the nicest people, so proud of where they are from, Even if they use guns so freely, and never scared to drop a bomb.. I am celebrating thanksgiving soon, with the new American family in my life, Have so much to be thankful for, am so happy and am free of strife.. Reunited with my darling Chloe, life is now so sweet, Feel blessed to have her by my side, she makes my life complete.. Went and saw the White house yesterday, called for the president, Thank god Im not under his ruling, Im an Ozzie resident.. Meet the Parents is coming next week, hope I still have some charisma in my locker, Surely it cant go as bad, as it did for Gaylord Focker.. Then its back to England, the place where Goz was made, Chloes turn to meet my friends and family, I hope theres a welcome back parade.. Looking forward to a real Christmas, cold and wrapped up by the fire, Spending time with my loved ones, is exactly what I desire.. See all my friends in Swindon, my favourite place to go, It seems the place has changed, now everyone thinks theyre a boxing pro?!.. Cant wait to see as many of you people as possible, will try and do the rounds, Lets eat, drink and be merry, and spend lots of English pounds.. This could be my longest ever poem, may get a few bites from this, Cant wait to see you lovely people soon, you will receive a giant kiss X See you soon England :) (Also, if any of Chloes family have read this, I was joking about the guns and bombs!) ;) I
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 07:04:33 +0000

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