Im sitting here in a quiet room, reflecting on this past year and - TopicsExpress


Im sitting here in a quiet room, reflecting on this past year and while some of it has been heart-breaking,most of it has been amazing. Last year at this time I was praying for a miracle that my little blessing would find the will to live. And myself, I was trying to find the courage to remain sober. If it wasnt for the love of Leslie and the support of Christine, I dont know what I would have done then. Thankfully we both recovered well from the Pertussis. January- Kermit suffered a stroke and we almost lost him. Its been a long hard road coming back from that but he is as good as he will be,and we are thankful for that. He lost his job and we came close to losing our home,but miracles appeared at the right time. February-2 of my girls moved out because at the age of 19 & 20 they thought they had the world by the balls, sadly it couldnt be further from the truth. 1 has struggled with mental illness and addiction and the other allowed her pride to get in the way and ask for help. March- We found out that I am in the beginning stages congestive heart failure, that makes you take a look good and hard at your mortality. April- brought more pain with Abbys neurological issues of migraines that have been casing paralysis,memory loss,temporary blindness which in turn has let to months and months of medications and testing and phyiscal therapy. May- brought 1 daughter home for a while, until her issues started having issues and I literally had to cancel my subscription to her issues. June,July,August we were able to breathe and love our life for a little bit. And it was a nice reprieve. September- brought a new educational process and I started homeschooling Abbigayle because of how ill she was. October- gave us Teague and his broken leg and his #RockingPinkforPunky campaign. Which was awesome by yhe way. November- We celebrated Lilianas first birthday, Mickenzie s 21st Birthday and Thanksgiving with my Bestfriend Janae-Doug and her family. I was also able to share in the joy of my other BFF welcoming into the world her beautiful baby girl, Rachel, has been one of the best people to ever come into my life. December- Gave me many things, emotions I thought I burried years ago re-surfaced, Love re-newed itself in my heart,forgivness came easily and tolerance and patience become my best virtues. I had my entire family home for the holidays,watched my brother marry the love of his life,my Significant other turn a year older, recieve news that I was going to become a nana only to find out that my daughter Shaylea miscarried a few days after Christmas. Many good things have happened,many lessons have been learned on my behalf,and many things will now be left in 2014. At times, I wont lie, the urge to use just so I didnt feel anything was ALWAYS a choice, but proudly it was not the choice I made. Sure Ive wanted to run away,live on a desserted island with a swanky pool boy named Juan,sipping some shit out of a coconut, but who would take care of the laundry while I was gone? This year I hope that you all receive the same things Im asking for myself. Love,Peace,Serenity,More Patience,Tolerance,Acceptance,Kindness,Understanding,Friendship,laughter and good health. And maybe a pool boy!! Please take the time to say I love you to someone that you do love. Follow through with things like Ill be there Forgive so that you can heal. Keep hope alive, because you never know when its friend faith may waiver and need a little hope. Call a friend or someone you havent spoken to in a while, have coffee with someone you cant stand,you never know they may end up becoming a friend. Good Luck to each one of you in the up coming year. Thank you for being apart of my life. Happy New Years to all of you. Dianne.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 05:10:58 +0000

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