Im sitting here in bed trying to make a very serious and difficult - TopicsExpress


Im sitting here in bed trying to make a very serious and difficult decision. A little back story so you will know where I am coming from. Yesterday morning I came downstairs expecting to find my kids attempting to either murder each other or pouring cereal everywhere but in the bowl. Instead I walk into the kitchen to find someone has painted the kitchen walls with spaghetti sauce and decided to paint the floors to match. Then I see peanut butter smeared all over the counter tops. First thought in my head was what the order should be that I murder the kids in. Second thought was what the hell were they trying to cook that involved both spaghetti sauce and peanut butter in mass quantity. Turns out this masterpiece of evil was the work of one single child. Gabby of course and anyone who knows her will not be shocked by this revelation. Apparently she had attempted to make a pizza sandwich, dropped the jar dumping its entire contents, then attempted to clean it up. OK so one mystery solved now what is the reason for the peanut butter. Kenzie my youngest provided the answer. It was gabby again but this time it wasnt a cooking mishap. She had taken handfuls of peanut butter and covered her face with it. Closer inspection did in fact reveal large quantities still stuck in her eyebrows and hair. When asked why she did it she could not provide any excuse at all. So back to my dilemma should I sprint downstairs and out the door hoping not to get caught in one of the many masterfully constructed traps the kids have set, or should I just jump from my 2nd floor bedroom window and risk injury to my legs which will in turn make it difficult for me to make a run for the mountains and start my new life as a lone desert wanderer?
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 16:19:57 +0000

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