Im slammed busy, but I wanted to take a few moments to share a - TopicsExpress


Im slammed busy, but I wanted to take a few moments to share a horrific story that my brother Eric shared with me moments ago and while it is incredibly bothersome it may help some young lady live the life she has earned and deserves. One of Erics (my brother) very good friends, went to a club in Atlanta with her girlfriend along with two other guys, I suppose it could have been considered a double date. After they left they headed back to the guys home where Erics friend had to leave to head home. Her home-girl stayed. Fast-forward to today, my brother calls me concerned about the blind date comment on my fb page not realizing it was a FB Joke. He went on to tell me that the young lady who stayed is currently in the hospital and had been brutally raped and assaulted. She had bruises from head to toe, where he stomped on her head and beat her savagely, a bald patch was evident from where he pulled a whole segment of her hair out of her scalp, and noted she was completely unrecognizable. It was by the grace of God and her good friend that she was able to escape alive. I pray that she is okay, and that justice is served. After coming to grips with this sad and sorrowful incident I determined what my takeaway is. This could happen to anyone of us. We have to be extra careful as females who we choose to surround ourselves with, and even still one never really knows. I have put myself in situations being so naturally friendly and trusting thankfully I have remained unscathed. Today and moving forward I pledge to not just rely on feelings, perception, and instinct, but to take extra precautions and think through scenarios, develop a buddy system, and to even make certain I am protected and have a fighting chance should I find myself in an uncompromising situation. Friends, and family, please join me in doing the same, and if you have a free moment to say a silent prayer for our victims across the nation of rape, and physical abuse please do. #weneedmoreprayer Be safe! XOXO!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 19:41:34 +0000

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