Im so aggravated with our state Law Makers, UK and U of L..... - TopicsExpress


Im so aggravated with our state Law Makers, UK and U of L..... Apparently everyone is not on the same pg when it came to CBD oil and our babies who have Intractable Epilepsy.... A news reporter called me yesterday from the Courier Journal and asked me what I have learned since SB 124 was signed.... I/we were told that CBD oil would be readily available as soon as the bill became law... I was told to be patient and wait, it was coming to our state.... I was told Eli would be better soon!!!! But heres whats really going on.... Neither Hosp is willing to put their own money up to fund the research for CBD.... No Pharm. Co is or will donate money, because they know there are healing properties in Marijuana!!!! Pharm arent gonna help my baby, they want him to remain sick.... This is how they make their billon dollars a year profit!!!! If they arent pushing meds then those folks arent gonna be rich.... They only way this is gonna happen is if some private donor steps in and gives either Hosp money to fund the research.... It dont matter to me how we get the money, I just pray that someone will step up to the plate and help Eli and all the other kids in our state who suffer from these debilitating and life threatening seizures.... Theres NO CURE for Eli, NO CURE!!!! Not another life should be lost to a SEIZURE!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 12:54:02 +0000

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