Im so blessed to have a Mother like Lucia Mercogliano DErrico, she - TopicsExpress


Im so blessed to have a Mother like Lucia Mercogliano DErrico, she came with her family from a small town in southern Italy and only finished elementary school and spoke no English to the US. She then sponsored my Father to come to the US. She not only was a housewife, she worked a full time job as well. She managed to raise to two boys in what was to her a foreign country. She learned English fairly quickly by watching TV (mostly I Love Lucy, which she loved), she adapted to American culture well as well, understanding early on that beating your children every time they did wrong was not always the right answer. She was a beautiful blonde woman from a country that has few natural blondes, she chose to marry a man (my Father) who treated her poorly, never gave her any money and beat her. She had to put up with all my seemingly crazy ideas; my obsession with politics, history and dinosaurs at a very age (8-10 years old), then she had to deal with the fact that I left, what was to her the only Christian religion and that was Catholicism and had to hear my preaching. When she finally had the strength to leave my Father she was under a lot of stress to take care of me and my brother who were 17 and 13 at the time. A year and a half later, she had to endure me leaving for the Army and had to read all my whiny, cry baby letters I wrote to her. Then, the fear of me dieing in war. Finally, I came back home; but the stress I put on her life didnt end as I was now exclusively dating black women. She adapted to that as well. During my time in the Army she remarried and her and my step father bought the apartment building I live in now from my grandparents. Now my step father suffers from Parkinsons disease and at the age of 70, its hard for her to take care of him, plus she lost her job last year. She considers herself weak but the reality is, for her to survive this far, she must be very strong. She always has my back, and is always one of my biggest fans. I love you Ma.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 04:51:40 +0000

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