Im so fed up of the politics in T&T....... its making the country - TopicsExpress


Im so fed up of the politics in T&T....... its making the country into a laughing stock and the people are becoming bitter and disillusioned... The PP - infighting and bacchanal, never settled as a coalition, too much mistakes, riddled with allegations of misconduct in public office The PNM - infighting and bacchanal on a smaller scale... seem to be depending on PP failures to get them to govt...... The ILP - since St Joseph I really not sure what they up to.. The TOP - awaiting Good Friday for resurrection...maybe? I doh know. NJAC - not sure why the call themselves a viable political entity MSJ - Need to work on their PR... the general public thinks of them as a party solely seeking the interest of the unions... even though they have denied this they have done very little to define their true image nationally.. maybe because of resources? COP - stueps... most spineless, flip flopping group of individuals ... had a perfect chance to clearly be one of the best parties but tanked their reputation in the last 4 yrs.. dead.. dead dead! What is our hope for 2015? Really and truly.... If Manning had listened to the people... right the wrongs of Calder Hart etc somehow ah feel things might have been better off under Vision 2020.... Right now ah feeling like we in Vision-less 5/10.... with no spectacles.. pure chaos!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 04:46:58 +0000

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