Im so happy I have never given up on love or all my black brothers - TopicsExpress


Im so happy I have never given up on love or all my black brothers who are truly indeed a man and know how to be one. Yes, I have suffered a broken heart a few times, but it teaches you to pick wisely and to wait on the Lord. It taught me not to listen to outsiders whos trying to play hook up with me, for this is how I got entangled in the wrong relationship with my kids father by listening to friends and family when my heart told me to run. No matter what, I refuse to run to the arms of another woman. I love everything about being a woman. I love the idea and the concept how God designed the relationship between a man and woman. A woman can never replace a man and a man can never replace a woman. Boy, this is starting to look like Sodom and Gomorrah around here. People famous quote is, Im grown. Yep! That may be the case, but guess what? You will never out grow the father, so respects your elders. Lol! Sin feels so good, but its so wrong and deception has the mind all twisted. You cant declare part of the truth of Gods word and over look what he says about the rest. People just think Pharaoh had a harden heart, but what made his heart harden was his disobedience to God word as he was ordered to let Gods people free. Our hearts can become harden the same way Pharaohs heart did by not hearkening to Gods word. Yes God is a forgiving God, but people take his grace and use it for a reason to sin but he said his grace is sufficient. His grace will keep you from sinning if you use the route he has made for you to escape when you are tempted. God is not a tempter nor can he be tempted. He provide ways for to escape every time in all situations no matter what it is. Dang! Can we get order back in the homes where there are loving fathers, loving mothers with their children who loves the Lord? From the time I grew up up to now, you can see the change and how people are walking away from God with no shame as if this life of theirs belongs to them when they were created for a purpose, created for destiny, created to do Gods will. Yeah yeah yeah I know he give us all free will, but I find it funny how his will is still done. Perfect example, look what happen to Jonah. He started with his own will only to be swallowed by a great fish to end up doing Gods will to make a long story short. All I can say Im thankful.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 02:01:21 +0000

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