Im so overwhelmed with gratitude for all those touching base with - TopicsExpress


Im so overwhelmed with gratitude for all those touching base with us about Timothys condition. I updated my original status with a somewhat brief comment, but I will outline a bit more fully about what we know so far here for those who may not be in the loop. Tim went in for extra work this morning. Not everyone went in, or went in on time, and there was a lock that needed to be removed so they could access the work site. Tim was in the process of busting the lock when a piece of metal went into his right eye. (At this point, I dont know the size of the piece, or what it struck, yet.) When he got a hold of me, they had just finished the CT scan to determine the depth of the issue. I discovered when I finally made it to VGH that he was transferred rather quickly from ER, to the Neurosciences wing, and then rapidly to OR for surgery. I was told he went into surgery between 1 and 2 pm, and it was after 7:30 pm before they brought him back to his room. Yes, thats a long surgery. The eye is very intricate and delicate, I suppose. When he came to, he still thought he was being prepped for surgery. I had to tell him a couple of times that the surgery was done already and he seemed grateful for that. We visited a little bit, let the kids see him (and thank goodness for dim lighting as they were unable to see or notice all the blood that hadnt been washed off the side of his face!), and he drank some fluids. He mumbled a few things here and there amongst coherent sentences. One thing about him needing a glass eye - apparently the subject was discussed before his surgery. And the only thing I had heard from the nurse at that point was that the surgery had been successful - but not what exactly the procedure itself was. Slight panic mode. Of course the eye is covered in gauze and bandaging, so no way to tell what has been done or the state of his eye. So, on the one hand - the nurses said that there was no mention of a glass eye or other prosthesis on his charts. On the other, the nurses made flip comments about how the notes from ophthalmology are rarely detailed. But, at least the notes did say that the piece of metal was removed. There is obviously no way to know for sure whether he will have full sight in that eye at this point in time. Its too soon after surgery. He has an appointment tomorrow to ascertain what, if any, permanent damage has resulted from this. Anyway, this gal is tired, and Ive written a full fledged novel here. I have to be in Vancouver in less than 12 hours time and I havent got access to my cell phone... Thank you again to all of you keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. Special thanks to Tracy for taking Abby for the night to lessen the load a little bit.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 05:30:14 +0000

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