Im so sick of ignorant, people telling me that milk products - TopicsExpress


Im so sick of ignorant, people telling me that milk products including, primo, ice cream and yogurt are good for you because they contain calcium. Let me educate you... What about calcium? Do I need dairy for strong bones? NO, you do not need animal dairy for calcium or anything. This idea is perpetrated by an extremely aggressive advertising program paid for by the dairy industry that is not based on good science. It is a money-making scheme. Milk contains animal protein, and thus contributes to the host of illnesses listed above (osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, and obesity). Studies have shown that that people in countries that consume milk routinely tend to have weaker bones than those in countries that avoid milk. Osteoporosis have been correlated to an excess of protein in the diet along with sedentary living. Milk does NOT slow the process of osteoporosis that commonly occurs in older women. Pasteurized, processed dairy, in my opinion, is a toxic food group. It doesnt help that its basically all saturated fat and cholesterol. Dairy also contains antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, steroids, chemicals, and even perchlorate (that is the scientific word for rocket fuel!) Yuck! Dioxin, too, one of the most toxic substances in the world, is often found in dairy products. And how about the blood cells and pus that come in it, too, from the far overgrown mutated udders that are hooked up to painful metal machines all day to keep up with demand so that they blister and bleed? Not so appetizing. if you would like to educate your self further: or watch this documentary. documentaryaddict/Forks+Over+Knives-9636-doc.html
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 09:29:52 +0000

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