Im so sick of this.... Listen.... If a person robs a store... - TopicsExpress


Im so sick of this.... Listen.... If a person robs a store... Punches a cop in the face... Tries to take his gun.... Then charges a police officer and gets shot and killed..... And then this is proven in a court of law.... With numerous witnesses proving the cop truthful..... Forensics proving the cops story being truthful.... How is this a reason to riot!!!??? What does this teach our kids.... If u dont get what u want riot!!!??? This country is bass ackwards.... Did these ppl rioting want an innocent man in jail??? Would that help u sleep at night???!!! The saddest part of all this is if the cop was killed it woulda just been another dead cop..... Smh...
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 05:19:19 +0000

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