Im sorry God but RIGHT NOW, YES!, RIGHT NOW! I feel Your will is - TopicsExpress


Im sorry God but RIGHT NOW, YES!, RIGHT NOW! I feel Your will is not realistically attainable - I truly hope this doesnt remain the case cos that wouldnt be fair on You or anyone else for that matter..... But I really cant handle the fact there are too many nasty contradictions in peoples lives that I cannot help but be shocked and horrified about. Wheres Gods love in all of this miserable darkness????? Why cant people be full of love, compassion, justice, and integrity!!!? This just doesnt make sense. Little by little, I am discovering things I would not prefer to know about those whom I so wonderfully esteemed in many ways - it makes me sick to the heart n soul to think people can be soooooo utterly twisted and lacking in the kinds of positive, awe-inspiring qualities that they are automatically expected to possess as a natural given. I am talking about finding out stuff about people we trust which shows something about them that innately contradicts that side we love and trusted... God help these people change for the better so that they can prove to You and the world out there that they are truly capable of great things in ways that are either big or small but great things meaning those things which say the value of life on this planet and the joy of living it out should be the right of all who exist in good will to profess and exhibit near and far. Please restore my faith in Your purpose and in humanity!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 11:32:43 +0000

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