Im sorry for the late post Facebook, but I had to let this out, - TopicsExpress


Im sorry for the late post Facebook, but I had to let this out, please read it all and share this if you feel the same. As adolescents we get to truly learn the power of emotions, and how they can take over your every moment. Its during that age that we first reach such levels of anxiety, stress, and depression that we lash out. Its these adolescent years we go to vices to help our pain let it be self abuse, abuse to others, an escape, depression, rage, or even silence. After going though my phase at that age shortly after my parents divorced, I learned that the strongest medicine to help me deal with my own inner Demons, was to help others fight theirs. I learned how powerful it is to stand up for someone, to help the kid who just fell, to sit beside the one whos alone every lunch, and to try to be friends with the quiet kid in class. Doing these kinds of things is the reason I can see the good in literally everyone, even those which no one else can see in, and its also why I always try to help those who have the least of hope in getting up themselves. By sparing a single second out of our day (which we all can afford to spend one second on another person) we can change the life of a person completely. You can be the reason someone doesnt go home and take a bottle of pills. You can be the reason the person decides to not take their own life, or spiral down, or go into a dark area in which they might have never returned. I write this because I feel we all need to realize that even after those adolescent ages, we still have those same demons, and they never truly go away. They just grow as we do. With this being said, I want everyone to take this in really deep , and realize people they see every day are battling things we cant even begin to understand, even if we think we do. So go up to every person you know, and every person you will ever meet, and tell them that you are thankful that they are here to share this moment of your existence with them, and that if they ever need someone, you are there for them. You can be the reason someone stays alive today. Share your love, because its the only thing that we all need, each and every living person. Thank you all for reading this , and have a wonderful life
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 07:38:54 +0000

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